Are you an explorer or do you stick to the main quests? What are you going to do in Skyrim?

  • I LOVE exploring. Dungeons and random campsites are awesome things to raid and plunder for goodies. I get most of my weapons in RPG's through exploring and side quests. The little things you find and the random people you meet make half the game for me.


  • Mike
    Mike   ·  November 3, 2011
    You've made me seriously consider changing my plans, Soleiya. 
    Originally, I had planned for a long time that I would complete the MQ as quickly as possible while taking a few sidequests/jobs/exploring/etc.  But, I think I might do the same as you a...  more
  • SrsFox
    SrsFox   ·  November 3, 2011
    Definitely, you'd be crazy not to explore in an Elder Scrolls game. One of my favorite parts of Oblivion was stumbling across a campsite and wiping out the two-three people residing there and then sleeping in their beds, kekeke..
    Not to mention delv...  more
  • Chloe (ie- Pea brain)
    Chloe (ie- Pea brain)   ·  November 3, 2011
    I to am a fan of exploring, it helps me a lot with skills and you get the beautiful scenes of Skyrim! I want to taste all the flavours!...
  • RytheRumzi
    RytheRumzi   ·  November 3, 2011
    My husband hated watching me play Oblivion..i would just wander around and be like "ooh pretty flower!...ooohhh pretty flower!" on and so on..lmao then in my defense id tell him that picking flowers boosts intelligence...its probably not goin to chan...  more
  • Drake
    Drake   ·  November 3, 2011
    I'm going to explore first do side quest or guild quest until I get my level pretty high ill think about starting the main quest line.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  November 3, 2011
    I'm creating different characters for different guilds, civil war factions, and MQ - but sidequests for all.  And whomever I play, I like exploring while I travel.  Who can resist a cave (or a dwemer ruin!) that is just a little off the road?
  • Daniel Che Pheland
    Daniel Che Pheland   ·  November 3, 2011
    I'm probably going to do what I did in oblivion, you remember how the main quest was fairly segmented? You'd complete an objective and then be allowed to help out the next guy, example; help Jasper with spies in Bruma then go find a daedric god's special ...  more
  • Orc_King
    Orc_King   ·  November 3, 2011
    I explore a whooole lot at first; then when I get too curious about the main quest story I start it.
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  November 3, 2011
    I'm with Sam Goad.  I want to experience the world of Skyrim as completely as possible, BEFORE my progress through the main quest inevitably changes aspects of it (as the Oblivion gates did in that game).
    I think I commented on a previous blog how a...  more
  • Steven C. Wagner
    Steven C. Wagner   ·  November 3, 2011
    i'm a firm believer in that the main quest should be the ast thing you do in a game...although thats mainly a carryover from when once the story ended , so did the game. I simply believe that even with the spoilers so far(and I happen to love them) there ...  more