U.O.T.W. Chapter 313 Whelps and Companions

  • Kul-et walked over to the backpack which Sotek had given her. She still cursed out at him loudly though, although it was just in jest.

    “You’re a bastard. I spent hours trying to cast spells with those bloody eggs”.


    Aela tried not to but she started laughing at the unfortunate Argonian girl.

    “I still can’t believe he gave you raw eggs while his were hard boiled. No bloody wonder they didn’t break”. That in turn started the others laughing. Kul-et glared at Veezara who was trying desperately to keep a straight face, but he was failing miserably.


    She walked over to him and prodded him hard in the chest.

    “You keep it up, you bloody slime ball”.


    Farkas laughed even louder as he pointed to Kul-et.

    “Watch out Veezara, she’s got an egg”.


    Vilkas roared out laughing as he held Farkas’s shoulder.

    “Yes, watch it. It’s a raw one I reckon”.


    Kul-et stuck her tongue out at them both but she singled out Farkas for retribution.

    “Aww, go fall off a horse… Peaches!”


    Farkas’s mouth fell open and his eyes glazed over as he stared back at her. Vilkas stopped laughing as well and looked at his brother’s face. He momentarily paused then roared out laughing at his brother while giving him a spine breaking slap on the back.



    Veezara chuckled to himself then he gently held Kul-et’s arm as he led her to the table.

    “Ignore them, I know it’s hard but... Come on, let’s see what you got”.


    Kul-et picked her pack up once more then placed it on the table. Delving inside it, she pulled out various spell books, a silver ring with a matching silver necklace, two iron daggers and a few empty soul gems. As she examined the spell books, she slightly shook her head.

    “Sotek, I can’t accept all this. There must be at  least a thousand gold septims worth of items here. I can’t accept all this”.


    Sotek, who was busy cuddling Aela at the time, looked over to the items on the table then casually walked over to Kul-et.

    “What do you think I was doing when I followed you in the temple? I was picking up everything you left behind. Tell you what; you tell me what you don’t need then I’ll take it back. How about this, fireball?”


    Kul-et grabbed the book from him, then realised she just snatched it. “No, not that. Sorry, I ermm, that’s going to be useful”.


    Sotek smirked then shrugged his shoulders at her. He then started scrutinizing the other items.

    “Ok then, what won’t you need?”


    Kul-et looked over the spell books and weighed two in her hands.

    “Well, oh damn it Sotek, I need all of them. I’ll pay you back, I promise. One day when it will really count, I swear I’ll pay you back”.


    Sotek laughed then hugged her tightly.

    “We’ll see when the time comes. Now, pick a book”.


    Without any hesitation, Kul-et held up the fireball book.

    “I already have. Can I?”


    Sotek leaned back against a wooden roof support then smiled at her. “Well it certainly won’t do you any good if you don’t learn it. Open it up then when you’re ready, cast as many fireballs as you can against the wall. The moment you can’t cast any, say ‘Now’. Then you fire off three as quickly as you can”.


    Kul-et paused for a second as she thought on what he just said.

    “What? When my magicka is used up?”


    Sotek slowly nodded as he turned his attention to the wall.

    “Yes, we’ll get a good idea on your recharge rate. Fire when ready”.


    Kul-et opened the book up and absorbed the knowledge within its pages, then she took her stance and unleashed the spell. The fireball flew into the wall and exploded spectacularly, smothering the section of wall in flames. After two more fireballs, Kul-et tried to cast the spell but it simply fizzled out. A single voice shouted out from the training area. “Now”.


    Upon hearing this, Sotek started quietly counting.

    “One, two, three....” Several seconds later Kul-et managed to cast it again, then once again she had to wait.


    After she cast it a second time Sotek stepped forwards.

    “Ok that’s enough, I haven’t got that long. The Harbinger’s beard would be around his ankles by the time you’re done. Now, get your Fur armour on, and these”. He handed her the necklace and ring begore returning to Aela’s side where he sat down next to her.


    She leaned into him and whispered in his ear.

    “And so, Wolf-boy, tell me, what do they do?”


    Sotek looked at her oddly and chuckled.

    “Wolf-boy? Helps with her Healing, and Destruction. But… It will also help with her lock picking as well”.


    Aela chuckled as she remembered Kul-et asking her to open the chest at the temple or Meridia.

    “It’s really sweet what you did for Kul-et, but you got to start thinking about yourself. Just how did you pay for all that?”


    Sotek gave a discrete sigh and buried his head in Aela’s shoulder.

    “I’ve done some wheeling and dealing with Belethor and Farengar. But you’re right. One day, I promise I’ll think about me”.


    Aela dryly laughed, but all the while her face was straight and serious. “Ha-ha-ha, no you bloody won’t. But don’t worry, I’ll do it”.


    A few minutes later Kul-et came back outside wearing her Fur armour which Sotek had made for her. The moment she entered the training yard, Veezara stared at her and wolf whistled, causing his wife to blush. She turned her back to him to hide her face. When she glanced over her shoulder, their gaze met, fixing her in her husband’s stare. She blushed a second time then shook her head, clearing it from Veezara’s distractions. Once she put on the ring and necklace, she turned her attention back to Sotek who was patiently waiting.

    “Ok, I’m ready”.


    Kul-et started to walk over towards Sotek. She initially was all serious and prepared for his next task, but due to Veezara’s wolf whistles, she started giggling.

    “Stop it. I’m sorry, he put me off”. Kul-et eyes narrowed as she gave Veezara a threatening stare. Then once again she gave Sotek her undivided attention.


    Sotek slapped the back of her head then pointed to the wall.

    “Don’t say sorry, this may be serious but if we can’t relax here then where in all of Skyrim are we supposed to? Now, fireballs until you can’t cast them, as fast as you can”.


    Kul-et did as Sotek requested. In her mind, she expected the same result but much to her surprise, she cast four fireballs instead of the three which she had managed to achieve earlier.

    “Oh wow, ermm now!”


    Sotek once again started counting but even Kul-et noticed she could cast faster than she did before. She stopped on her own accord then lowered her hands as she slowly turned to Sotek.

    “That’s incredible, how?”


    Sotek simply shrugged.

    “It’s not that amazing. The ring and necklace enables you to cast better with Destruction and Restoration. As I just told Aela, your lock picking will be better wearing this gear as well. Now your other books, learn them all. Just remember, adaptability is your watch word. Any spell can be twisted from its intended use and adapted”.


    Kul-et picked up a book and opened it up. Within a few seconds she cast a small ball of light that flew towards the Harbinger and bounced harmlessly off his chest. Kul-et’s face turned horrified as she watched it hover in front of him.

    “Oh Sithis! I’m so sorry”.


    Aela however burst out laughing as she pointed at him.

    “Oh my! Well it could have been worse. Imagine if she used that fireball”.


    Sotek chuckled then stood beside Kul-et.

    “You need to go careful. Mage Light is seriously underestimated. That’s been the death of so many foe’s it doesn’t bear thinking about”.


    Kul-et looked at him seriously for a second then started laughing.

    “Now you jest. There’s no way that’s killed anyone, it’s harmless”.


    Aela laughed at him as well.

    “You seriously expect us to believe that a ball of light is a lethal spell? Now you’re taking the piss”.


    “Oh, once again she’s swearing like a legionnaire. I blame you lot. How am I going to turn her into a bride when she talks like that?” Sotek stated as he mockingly glared at his She-wolf.


    Aela’s mouth dropped open then she shouted at Kul-et.

    “Fireball, right now or I swear you’ll regret it”.


    Kul-et looked horrified at the suggested threat.

    “No, I can’t do that!” 


    Sotek however chuckled to himself.

    “Ok, how about this. Aela, how much gold would you charge me for me to have you as my personal slave tonight?”


    Aela climbed to her feet then without thinking pointed her dagger to his chest.

    “I beg your fucking pardon?”


    Sotek slowly pushed it away from him then looked at her right in the eyes.

    “You’re being cocky and smug. So, how much for you to be my slave tonight?”


    “Ten thousand gold, asshole”. She stated as she glared at him with dagger like eyes.


    Sotek laughed loudly then rested his arm over her shoulder.

    “I’m going to try to beat Aela with my Mage Light spell. If I do, then she’s my slave for the night. And you, my dear Kul-et… Are going to pay her. Stand over there with the others”.


    Kul-et stood next to Veezara and watched Sotek point to two targets. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Sotek.

    “There’s no way he’ll beat her with that spell”.


    Veezara wasn’t so sure. He couldn’t shake the feeling of dread which invaded his stomach. Turning to Kul-et, he whispered his concerns.

    “There’s no way he can do half of the things I’ve seen him do. You’re in trouble”.


    Aela called back to her as she readied her bow.

    “You better be bloody right, bitch. If I’m his bloody slave, then you better cough up that gold”. Kul-et gulped as she stared at the targets.


    Sotek however was in his element, full of mischief and deception.

    “Right, your targets the left one and mine is the right. Initially, this is a practise. You may fire as soon as I cast the spell”.


    Aela instantly protested. She lowered her bow then gave Sotek a shove. “That’s not fair! We fire when the Harbinger shouts ‘Go’”.


    Sotek clipped her on the back of her head.

    “Don’t be stupid! You don’t sneak up to a bandit archer and shout out ‘Someone say go!’ You fire after I attack”.


    Aela stared at the targets then shook her head and grumbled loudly. “But you’ll hit your target first”.


    He simply chuckled then walked over to Aela’s target.

    “Ok, then your target’s me. Now remember, you’re aiming for the heart”.


    “No, this is stupid”. She sheaved her bow then returned to the steps but Sotek ran up to her and managed to intercept her before she got to them.


    “No, I’m trying to show Kul-et something. I tell you what... If it makes you feel better, aim for the target and I’ll stand beside it. Ok?”


    Aela cast a quick look at the target then shook her head.

    “This is crazy. Very well”.


    They both took their positions then Aela prepared herself mentally for Sotek’s attack.

    “You’re just using that stupid light thing?”


    Sotek nodded but then he waved his finger at her.

    “Yes, but I would be a bit more careful as to what spells you call stupid, you may find that they don’t like it. Name calling spells is a definite no. Prepare yourself”.


    He cast his spell at Aela, but unlike Kul-et, who’s orb struck the Harbinger’s chest, his struck Aela in the face.

    “Oh, you bastard”. Aela side stepped and prepared to fire but a second ball hit her in the face again. She moved once more but this time she found it hard to see the target as she was partially blinded. A mere second later, a third ball struck her. She dropped her bow as she franticly tried rubbing her eyes, but then a fourth ball of light hit her in the face yet again. Aela yelled in frustration as she found herself blinded. All she could see was flashing images of bright white orbs which danced around her even when she had her eyes closed. “I can’t bloody see! You cheating bastard!”


    Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, Sotek grabbed her by her chest armour and slammed her downwards onto the floor with a loud ‘thud’.

    “Oww, you cunt!” She lashed out at him, but he had already moved out of her range.


    “Hey, Aela, stop. It’s over”. He came up to her then helped her to her feet. Moments later she felt his arms wrap around her as he lifted her up and carried her to a chair by the others. “Your eyes will clear in a few moments, just keep your eyes closed for a few minutes”.


    Aela cursed out loudly for all to hear.

    “That bloody sneaky reptile. By Hircine, I hate him at times”.


    Sotek then looked straight at Kul-et.

    “And there we go, I managed to beat the best archer you’ll ever meet by using Mage Light and simply walking up to her. Now imagine if you will, what if she was a bandit? I could have looked around for a rock and cracked her bloody skull open with it if I wanted to. Adaptability, that is your watchword. Healing yourself in a fight, muffle so you can’t be heard. Mage Light to blind your opponent.  It all counts when you’re out there. Now you have a good selection of spells at your disposal. Learn them and use them. Now, the last spell, Soul Trap. I’ve given you a few basic soul gems. Use the spell and trap some souls. Nothing fancy, mud crabs and the like. Even deer if you want to. Not wolves though… Scarface and Red might take it personally… The two daggers have a fire enchant and an absorb health enchant. Go learn them, Farengar will help you. Then, with the gems, enchant the Whelps weapons. As you progress you can enchant their armour as well”.


    Kul-et, for the first time picked up a dagger. She could see a slight glint in the blade.

    “I really don’t know what to say”.


    “Just remember your oath. One day when I need it, you’ll be there. When it really counts. Right, I’m done and very hungry. Aela my room tonight… Around nine will do. Oh, and don’t bother with your armour, you won’t be needing it. That dress you wore for me a few times… That will do nicely. Oh yes... One more thing Kul-et”.




    Sotek sniggered as he headed inside Jorrvaskr.

    “You owe Aela ten thousand gold”.


    Both Aela and Kul-et stared at him then spoke at the same time.

    “Fucking prick!”


    Once they all finished eating their afternoon meal, Aela, who was by now wearing an old pair of Soteks trousers tied up with a piece of string along with one of his shirts which she would use as a night shirt, sat on the step with Sotek. She leant into him as she held him.

    “I’m not your slave”.


    “Yes, I know. I just needed Kul-et to open her eyes to the possibilities of her spells”. He said as he watched the Argonian girl at the table.


    Kul-et looked over towards him.

    “There’s still something I don’t get. Why were you in such a state when you got back. We can all see you’re not a hundred percent yet. What did you do? How did you get to the temple before us? Oh, yes and it was sealed. So how did you manage to enter it?”


    Sotek gazed into the fire pit, as he did so he became lost in the flames as he started staring at them. Aela gave him a nudge which bought him back to the present.

    “Hey, you ok?”


    “What? Oh yes, just a bit tired still. Anyway, yes, the temple. Well, I waited until you both were clear of Whiterun then I took Ebony to Lakeview Manor. From there, I swam the lake, then Scarface ran to the temple. Now, in order for me to get there first, I had to send you both the long way around to the Shrine of Meridia. Aela, you grumbled about me being under your skin because you could smell my scent? Well actually you could. Do you remember that hollow tree log you sat on? I was inside it at the time. You both went to the shrine and Kul-et placed the beacon there. It opened the blocked doorway and I sneaked inside. Afterwards, once you both left for Solitude, I then ran back to Whiterun. Or rather, Scarface did. Hence my physical state. Ebony was supposed to tell the Harbinger to wait for my return, but she ermm… Forgot”. He said, raising a spiked eyebrow at the unfortunate Whelp.


    A weak voice mumbled out as she looked up at him.

    “I said I’m sorry, sheesh”.


    Sotek shook his head at her.

    “Yes, well…. What’s done is done. Kul-et’s had her ceremony and all is right with Jorrvaskr. I just need a good night’s sleep then I’ll be back to normal as well. But I tell you something, I won’t be repeating that bloody run. That was seriously hard going”.


    Kul-et shook her head in disbelief.

    “You ran from the lake to the shrine, followed me inside then ran back here? No bloody way. When did you sleep?”


    Sotek sniggered softly then looked at her right in the eyes.

    “My dear Kul-et. That was the problem, I didn’t”.


    Kodlak looked over to him, when he spoke the hall fell silent.

    “So, you virtually ran yourself to death. Your minds racking up debts which your body can’t pay. I’m impressed, I really am. But tell me this Sotek. What if you ran into trouble? Out there on the plains, what if you ran into trouble then?”


    Sotek took a deep breath then released it slowly. He slowly got up then walked over to a bowl of apples and took one. The sound of the bite echoed around the hall then, after he swallowed it, he then turned to the Harbinger.
    “Then I would have dealt with it”. He then sat back down next to Aela and finished off his apple.



    As Sotek sat there watching the others, but more so Kul-et than anyone else, he suddenly turned to Aela.
    “I’ve a question for you”.



    Aela who was currently laying on her back resting her head in his lap looked up at him in surprise.
    “Who, me?”



    Sotek nodded slowly then pointed to Kul-et.
    “Yes, you. Kul-et’s sword, Dawnbreaker. I feel kind of odd when I go near it. Scarface can feel the Dragonborn’s presence far more as he seems to want it. When though, I have my piece of armour scrap I’m fine. At least when I know I have it. It helps me focus… Keeps him at bay”.



    Aela glanced over to Kul-et’s sword then grinned back at him.
    “Yes, we noticed you go mental. What about it?”



    “The priestess, Danica? She recommended I place a few similar armour pieces of your Ancient Nord armor and scatter them around Jorrvaskr. For that though I need more than this scrap piece. just where did you get your armour from?”



    Aela stared across the hall at Vilkas and Farkas.
    “Well, it was on my trial to become a Companion. Farkas and Vilkas took me to a burial site near Riften. But we ermm...” Her voice trailed off as she remembered entering the site. It was riddled with ghosts from ages gone, and Sotek could tell something was troubling her.



    He held her in his arms as she sat up and leaned into him.
    “What happened?”



    Farkas spoke up, his low heavy voice echoed around the hall.
    “It’s what didn’t happen. We couldn’t proceed past the second section. None of us could open the door to the rest of the complex. Aela always felt that she was cheated of the honor of clearing that fortress”.



    Kodlak gave her a warm smile as he spoke.
    “Yes, but she did prove her valour, so we accepted it as a satisfactory trial. That night she was made a Companion”.



    Sotek looked at her horrified. Aela noticed his expression immediately. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”



    “Oh Hircine… Harbinger I’m so sorry. I proved to be unworthy of your trust. Oh, by Hircine, I’ve been dating a Whelp”.



    Aela laughed for a few seconds until what he said sunk in.
    “You bloody bastard”. The next second Sotek was underneath her as she promptly started beating him up. “I am no bloody Whelp”.



    Sotek’s words, although said in jest, struck a chord with both Ebony and Farkas and it left a nasty taste in their mouths. They stared at each other uneasily. Farkas broke the deathly silence between them both by offering Ebony a smile. At that moment, Kul-et got out of her chair and headed towards the kitchens.
    “I’ll be back in a few hours, Tilma asked for my help”.



    Sotek called out to her while Aela rested her knee on his throat.
    “Help me, fulfil your oath”.



    Kul-et smiled softly at him.
    “Oh, I will. If you’re still breathing in a few hours, I’ll aid you then”.



    “Gee, thanks. Oww”. Sotek hollered out as Aela bit him in the chest. Seconds later he threw her off then he pinned her down on her back.



    He leant towards her chest with his teeth showing as Aela screamed. “No, don’t bite me! Don’t you dare. Harbinger! He’s gonna bite my boob, tell him!”



    “Aela, please”. The Harbinger held the palm of his hand over his eyes as he shook his head at their antics.



    A second later Aela screamed as she slapped Sotek across the face. “Yowl! See? I told you he would”. She held her chest with one hand while she slapped him a second time, then she looked down her own top. “You bastard, it’s got bite marks all over it”.



    “Where?” Sotek tried to look down her top as well but she simply slapped him a third time. “Piss off. You wait till later, you’ll get bite marks somewhere, and you’ll scream”.



    An hour or so later, while Sotek and Aela were still play fighting, Kul-et and Tilma entered the hall carrying two trays. Everyone stopped their conversations and even Sotek and Aela’s roughhousing came to an abrupt halt. Farkas recognised the warm homely smell instantly.
    “Cakes, they’ve been baking. Oh yes. Over here, I’ll try one, or two. Maybe three”.



    Kul-et placed her tray on the table, but instantly Farkas’s eyes fixed on the centre pie. It was obviously deep filled and had a sugary short bread crust pastry top.
    “Oh wow, I want a piece of that”.



    Kul-et slapped his hand as she passed him a smaller pie.
    “Well tough, it’s not yours”.



    “What? Then who’s?” He cried out, like a baby whose bottle was taken away.



    “It’s Sotek’s actually”. She then placed it on a large plate and passed it over to him. “It’s a small thank you for everything you done for me. Thanks”



    “You’re welcome and thank you for the pie”. As he took it, Aela peered over him and promptly stuck her finger in it.



    She sucked her finger off as she smiled at him.
    “Apple, yum”.



    “Oi, that’s mine”. In retaliation Sotek pinged Aela on the nose. Kul-et just shook her head at them both then laughed.



    She sat besides Veezara and leaned into him as she passed him another pie which she had kept separate from the rest.
    “Here, this is for you”.



    Veezara smelt it as his eyes lit up.
    “Apple and pear, oh I haven’t had one of your pies for ages”.



    Sotek cut himself off a slice of his pie but then cut a slice off for Aela as well. While the others ate the smaller ones and the cakes which Tilma and Kul-et had baked.



    While they were all eating, Sotek stopped and paused for a minute or so then once he placed several thoughts in his mind, he addressed the others.
    “Aela, Vilkas, Farkas. How would you three like to finish what you started all those years ago?”



    Aela gave him a slight shove.
    “All those years ago? You cheeky git. I’m not bloody old, it was about six years ago”.



    Sotek quietly worked out the maths, but he found himself questioning his findings.
    “Six? How old were you when you became a Companion?”



    Aela’s shoulders stuck back and her chest puffed out as she spoke. It was obvious to the others that she was proud of her accomplishments. “Sixteen, I was the youngest Companion. Not a Whelp, a Companion”.



    “Well, how would you like to go back there? We’ll find a way to get past the doors. And we’ll find out what secrets it’s hiding”. Sotek asked with an air of certainty to his voice.



    Vilkas didn’t seem overly impressed with the idea.
    “You do realise we’ve been back there three times since that day. And we still haven’t managed to get past the doors to the inner sanctum. So, what makes you think that…”



    Kodlak interrupted Vilkas.
    “I’m sure the four of you will see something the three of you missed. Besides like Sotek said, he needs the armour. When will you be leaving?”



    Sotek gave Aela a quick hug then looked at Vilkas and Farkas.
    “You both don’t have to come with us. But… I assure you that we will get passed those doors”.



    Farkas walked over to Sotek, then stared hard at Vilkas.
    “Yea well, there’s no way I’m staying here and then having to listen to her insufferable boasting on how they cleared it. I’m in”.



    Vilkas nodded to him then drew his sword for empathises.
    “Very well, Sotek it would be an honour to join you both on this adventure”.



    Sotek smiled at the three of them.
    “Thank you, we’ll leave tomorrow evening, we’ll reach Riften around dawn then head to the tomb from there”. He then gave Aela a big hug. “Don’t you worry, we’ll clear out that tomb and when we get back, we’ll make you a full Companion”.



    Aela punched him straight in the stomach.
    “You bastard, I’ll flipping kill ya”. The very next second, she pushed him to the floor then she set upon him once more.






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  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  January 30, 2019
    Ah Forelhost! I have a love/hate relationship with that place in Skyrim. One of the best dungeons in the game, but also one of the most difficult straight up Nordic Ruins. Something about it that is just not easy.