U.O.T.W. Chapter 104 The Magic Touch

  • Aela was the first to wake up. She turned to Sotek and watched him as he slept while her mind slipped back to the first month of him arriving in Jorrvaskr and of the events leading up to her ending up here, in his ‘bed’. She wasn’t looking for anyone, she never had. Her world consisted of the Companions and the plains, just her and Red. Yet now they were both bound to someone else. It was like mystical chains had been wrapped around them both, binding them to their perspective mates. And yet, she never felt so free and she knew Red was happy, happy and content with this new unprecedented situation she was in.

    They both were.

    She lightly kissed Sotek on the chest then rested her head so she could listen to his heart. Not that she needed to press her ear against him to hear its steady rhythmic beating; she could hear his heart while he sat next to her in the hall.

    Instead of disturbing him from his peaceful slumber, Aela decided to just lay there for a while and let the day run at it’s own slow pace. She wrapped her arms around him so her naked body could warm itself against his. He was always hot. Even the winter of Skyrim couldn’t break his body’s ability at radiating warmth. Some of the locals in Whiterun commented to her about him, stating he must have Nord blood in his veins. One simple fact was he walked around in a shirt while other races wore thick fur coats to protect them from the cold seemed to confirm this ‘belief’.

    After a few minutes of laying there in his seemingly lifeless arms, she had enough of staring into space now boredom had started setting in. She glanced around at her surroundings as this was the first time she stayed in Sotek’s room for the whole night. She spent time there before but she always headed back to her room to sleep as she was a creature of habit and preferred her own bed, her own territory, her den.

    As she pried herself out of the ‘bed’ which consisted of a pile of furs strewn together in the corner of his room, she couldn’t help but be nosey so she quietly opened the door to his ‘new’ wardrobe he had won in the ‘Jorrvaskr Furniture Lottery’ which was held in his absence. Kodlak, the Harbinger wasn’t one to be left behind as everyone tried their best to refit Jorrvaskr from the damage weeks before. He had proved this by returning with some furniture from the bandit tower he had cleared with the help of the Whelps while Aela, Sotek and the two brothers were meeting Delphine.

    Inside the wardrobe were a few white miners’ shirts along with two pairs of brown trousers. One of which had a hole in the pocket. Aela’s fingertips rubbed against the clothing, feeling the materials roughness. Sotek wasn’t one to dress fancy, he never had the money to and it didn’t bother Aela in the least. It was a rare occurrences for her to brush her own hair, why would she? Simply running her fingers through it sufficed.

    At the bottom of the wardrobe, a small dark wooden chest caught her eye but as she tried to open it, she found it was locked. She stepped away from the wardrobe and went to close it but just as the door was ajar, her eyes wandered back to the chest. Curiosity got the better of her and she pulled a lock pick from her armor which rested on the back of a chair.

    As quietly as a thief while at the same time, naked as a newborn baby, Aela started to pick the lock to the chest. Sotek had taught her well, she was quickly rewarded for her efforts by the single sound of a dull ‘click’.

    With bated breath she turned around to Sotek who was lying on his back still supposedly fast asleep. Aela listened to his slow and steady breathing until she was happy with the fact that Sotek was still resting. She soon turned her attention back to the chest. The lid lifted up easily, its iron hinges barely creaked as it eased open to reveal the box’s contents.

    Peering inside, she counted no less than five leather pouches of coins. She weighed one in her hand in an attempt to guess the amount; by her estimate he had about two hundred gold septims in each bag. A thousand gold lay here and she knew he had to fight for every single coin he had. Taking her own purse from her armor, she kissed it passionately as a sign of her affection before placing her purse in the box, then she shut it up relocked it before finally putting it away.

    Her pouch contained her winnings from the bet they all made, along with her share of the profit from the sales. She had tried to refuse it but Sotek insisted she had her split of it. They all played a part so they all took an equal share. This was one of his rules, and he made sure every time the Harbinger had a share as well. His portion ensured Jorrvaskr was clean and there were constantly an ample supply of food on the table. All be told Aela increased his savings by no less than seven hundred gold.

    Sotek just lay there peacefully. Every so often a green reptilian eye would half open and follow Aela’s movements around his room. He had woken up when she initially climbed out of bed but he found it amusing to watch her creep around while she tried so hard not to disturb him. After she opened the chest, he watched with interest as she place her own pouch of gold coins in with his. Sotek gave himself a slight smile as he felt Aela climb back into bed. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She in turn cuddled up to him, as she did so her hand briefly brushed up against the side of his tail which was in the process of coiling around her leg.

    The tip of it twitched, causing it to spring upwards on reflex. Aela saw it in the corner of her eye and gave a small chuckle as she watched it flick in the air.

    She couldn’t help herself… gently and as softly as she could she lightly stroked it again. The tail flicked up higher then fell on the furs with a thump. She tried to suppress her laughter by covering her mouth but the devil in her wanted her to try it again. This time she just barely touched it but it just stayed there still so she gently caressed it with the tip of her finger. It suddenly flexed upward, causing her to shriek as she jumped.

    “What the hell are you doing?” Sotek asked as his eyes flicked open. He tried to be composed but he couldn’t help himself, instead he held a cheesy grin plastered across his face.

    She looked at him all seriously then promptly burst out laughing. Once she calmed down a bit she kissed him on the cheek.

    “Go back to sleep, I’m having fun playing with your tail”.

    He just laid there watching her while he held her in his arms. He started chuckling as he felt her hand slide across him, so she could gently stroke his tail once more. It flicked up and as soon as it did so Aela burst out laughing hysterically.

    Sotek went to move but Aela slapped him on the chest.

    “Stop it… don’t move!!” She scorned him and reached out for his tail again. This time her soft touch caused it to thrash around in the air a few times before it settled back down. Her eyes started to water from all the laughing which was now beyond her control.

    Sotek’s solution was simple. He smacked her in the head with a pillow.

    She stared at him in disbelief. Her mouth fell wide open from the shock of his presumptuous attack. It stopped her laughing but it also earned him a gentle slap in the face.

    “You bastard!”

    She snatched a second pillow was lying by his side then sprang up like a snake and landed on his chest, straddling him. He was slightly winded but before he could recover, he came under attack as she swung the pillow at him, catching him in the side of the head. He brought his pillow down in a wide arc slamming into her side, knocking her off him then he quickly crawled off the pile of furs and prepared for her counter. She was on her knees on the furs and swung her weapon overhead, hitting Sotek perfectly on the temple.

    Unfortunately for the pair of them, the pillow wasn’t built to withstand any sort of impact against an Argonian’s head, especially one covered in bone spikes such as Sotek’s. The pillow tore open upon impact, spewing out feathers of all shapes and sizes everywhere. Both Companions laughed hysterically at the artificial snow. It started to settle around them but Aela was far from finished. She grabbed a big pile of them and threw them up in the air. “Whee!!!” She sat there laughing as they watched the feathers fly around, scattering all over the room.

    She then looked guiltily at Sotek and chuckled.

    “Oops, you got no pillow now. I’m sorry about that”. Then she creased up laughing again as he blankly stared at her.

    He threw a handful of feathers at Aela and grinned as a few of them rested in the crevice of her breasts. The whole length of his tail slowly curved in a wide sweeping arc, clearly showing he was in a playful mood.

    “Oi, daft mare… That pillow was yours”. His hand lightly slapped her chest, dislodging the feathers.

    Her jaw dropped as she turned to the bed, Sotek's pillow was there intact. She knew it was his; he had a really heavy one. It was quite thin but heavy, she had the lighter feathery one, ‘had’ being the operative word.

    “Oww, you flea ridden dog!! You owe me a pillow”.

    “What? No way, that was your fault”. He couldn’t help but laugh, knowing damn well she caused it to rip open.

    “Oh? Really? Well it was your head that tore it so it’s your fault. Besides, I’m the Harbingers favorite. He see’s me as his daughter so I’m telling ‘daddy’ if you don’t replace it”. As she spoke she had a big grin on her face.

    If she thought Sotek was in a corner then she was mistaken due to Sotek having a quick comeback.

    “Oh yea? Well are you going to tell your ‘daddy’ what you were doing in your mate’s room in the first place?” He smiled at her, willing her to come up with something else.

    Aela froze as her eyes shot across Sotek’s body before she watched the door.

    “Ermm… No let’s not go there, you’ll tell him we were naked. He’ll never believe me when I tell him nothing happened”.

    Sotek cocked an eyebrow at her while he traced a claw along the length of her side.

    “Were? We are!”

    She had a sultry look about her while she followed Sotek’s outline from the tip of his tail to his head. Her tongue slowly slipped across her lips in anticipation, until a thought entered her head. She started laughing as she pointed to the door.

    “Fine! I’ll get my brothers on to you. They’ll beat you up and dump your body in a cave”. She stuck her tongue out at him then swiped him with his pillow into the side of his head. This time he was knocked sideways but the pillow met the same fate as the other one and also ripped open. They both collapsed on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

    Sotek lay back on the furs and pulled Aela close to him. She cuddled into his side and scooped up another hand full of feathers so she could promptly throw them up in the air. This time they mostly landed on Sotek’s face which made her roar with laughter as he made funny expressions in an attempt to blow them off. She brushed the feathers away from his mouth and eyes then she climbed on top of him. As she had done many times before, she held her fingernails to his throat and snarled at him.

    “Tell me you love me!”

    He forced her onto her back, and pinned her arms so she couldn’t move.

    “I don’t love you, you smell of trolls”.

    She giggled at his reply then lightly kneed him between the legs causing him to groan out loud, releasing her at the same time. Within a few seconds she managed to throw him on his back and pin his arms down so she could lean right into his face.

    “You ‘are’ a troll”.

    She leaned into him and nuzzled his neck. Her hands trembled as she felt Sotek’s touch. His claws gently traced the arch of her back then rested on her hips so he could reposition her. Aela’s eyes closed as she lowered herself in hungry anticipation.

    The whole atmosphere between them was shattered as a heavy fist pounded on Sotek’s door. Farkas called out to them, oblivious to their compromising situation and desires.

    “Hey, Sotek!! The Harbinger wants a word with you. He’s upstairs, don’t keep him waiting!!”

    Aela sat up bolt upright and grabbed her boot. It was flung across the room and collided into the door with a loud ‘bang!’

    “Alright damn it!!” She yelled back in annoyance at Farkas albeit louder than what she had intended to.

    All of her sexual energy transferred to frustration quicker than a candle being snuffed out. She turned on Sotek and thumped him in the chest.

    “That’s your fault. Next time get a move on and cut out the foreplay”.

    Her eyes seemed to burn in him until she leant over Sotek and kissed him for a good few seconds before she scrambled off so they could get dressed. She scrutinized the room and dismissed the mess, closing the door behind them.

    “We can sort this out later on”.

    Once they headed upstairs, Tilma stopped outside his room and noticed a few feathers on the floor. She opened his door to the scene of feathers all over the place and the remains of the two ripped pillowcases on the pile of furs. She looked on with disbelief and couldn’t help but groan.

    “There’s no way I’m cleaning this lot up”. She shook her head in disgust and shut the door, leaving it alone.

    Ignorance was a virtue, one both Companions had. If they knew Tilma had already seen Sotek’s room then they might not have been so bold when they entered the hall. As it was, they looked on with equal confusion as not only was the Harbinger sitting at the table, but next to him was Jarl Balgruuf.

    Aela timidly smiled at him then sat down opposite them both. Only then did she notice three slightly charred wolf furs piled on top of one another on the table. She looked on in panic, recognizing them from when Sotek set the bale of wheat on fire. Glancing at Sotek, she knew from his tail which was thrashing about that it was a full on conclusion. He had indeed already seen them.

    Sotek boldly strolled over to the furs and lifted one up. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath then put the fur back. He picked up a chair and placed it near the fire pit and promptly sat on it so he could face the Jarl and the Harbinger, resigning himself to his fate. In a low calm voice, he spoke to the pair of them.

    “Ok… who’ss firsst?”




  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 28, 2016
    Aela won't forget Farkas, no worries there..
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  January 27, 2016
    Yes, we can't forget to kill the messenger
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  January 27, 2016
    Yet Farkas is the direct cause of them stopping so he deserves blame too.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 27, 2016
    Well where's the harm in them having a bit of fun.
    It's not just Jarl Balgruuf waiting for them. The Harbinger is there as well.
  • Exuro
    Exuro   ·  January 27, 2016
    Sexy pillow fight! Way to be a wet blanket Balgruuf.
    Yep, too much serious writing will drive one mad, got to liven it up occasionally. (I'm one to talk)
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 26, 2016
    Sorted both out.
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  January 26, 2016
    I think it's supposed to be barely not baerly.

    If you look at the title there is no space after U.O.T.W.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 26, 2016
    Had a play, hope that reads better.
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  January 26, 2016
    Hi Ebonslayer.
    First off, appologies for deleting your previouse comment. I've corrected the errors you pointed out. Soz about that.
    I'm going to have a play with other words to replace 'minutest' so it's easier to follow. 
  • Ebonslayer
    Ebonslayer   ·  January 26, 2016
    I'm unfamiliar with the word 'minutest' in paragraph 11.

    I'm starting to think that his fire spells are becoming more trouble than they are worth.