Most memorable Elder Scrolls game for YOU, and why?

  • I want to know, out of all the TES games you have played, which one has stuck to you the most, which has seemingly been above the others, or which did you have most fun in? I have to say Oblivion, only because I barely played Morrowind since it confused me.  (being 10 years old does that). 


  • Sheogorath
    Sheogorath   ·  November 7, 2011
    morrowind. it got me hooked. i just loved how u could kill(at least try to) just about anything. dude wouldnt sell me at good prices... bang!!! club to his head then i just take it. 
  • Kyle Lopez
    Kyle Lopez   ·  November 5, 2011
    Seems as if I really need to play Morrowind 
  • Porklet
    Porklet   ·  November 5, 2011
    It has to be Morrowind.  It seemed more immersive and "complete" than Oblivion.  But perhaps I am just looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, due to it being my first foray into an Elder scrolls game.  I have to agree entirely with Mike.  The story wa...  more
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  November 5, 2011
    Definitely Morrowind.  It was my introduction to the series, and every computer game since then has been measured against it.  Even Oblivion, for all its technical glory, failed to achieve that "je ne sais quoi" that made Morrowind so special.  I hoping S...  more
  • Mike Gingras
    Mike Gingras   ·  November 5, 2011
    Morrowind was my introduction to the series, and had a lasting impact.  I had a PC that was capable of playing it in all its glory - and it was beautiful!  Not just graphically, but the soundtrack was incredible!  I loved being able to "make my own story"...  more
  • Eric Gilliam
    Eric Gilliam   ·  November 5, 2011
    For me, Oblivion would be because I have the most experience with it.  I haven't played Morrowind or Arena until just within this past year, but I have memories of my dad (and me once or twice) playing Daggerfall.  I guess in a sense Daggerfall is pretty ...  more
  • Kyle Lopez
    Kyle Lopez   ·  November 5, 2011
    Oblivion did that for me, I was never into RPGs until I played Oblivion, but yet again, NO RPG can contend against The Elder Scrolls series, in my opinion. Lately been watching LP's on youtube of Morrowind, and it looks like a fantastic game, might pick i...  more
  • McNuggle
    McNuggle   ·  November 5, 2011
    Morrowind by far! Not even because I played it... It brings back memories as a kid watching my dad play it. I loved those days where everyday after school I would sit with my dad watching him play and asking questions. "why are there lizard and cat people...  more
  • ManeatinShEePs
    ManeatinShEePs   ·  November 5, 2011
    I would have to say Morrowind. Mainly because that was one of the first RPG's I ever played and even though I never finished it, Morrowind is the turning point for where my game interest went to favor RPGs and Simulators over other more linear games. ( I ...  more