Marudil: Blood And Arrows Prologue

  • "Marudil..." The woman's voice called from the depths of his dreams, "Do you hear my voice...?"

    "You..." His voice replied, "I remember you..."

    "Please... old friend, I--"

    "You are no friend to me!"

    "We were wrong, Marudil... Y'ffre has failed us... I beg of you... come to Falkreath..."

    "Failed you...?" His voice took a curious tone. "What has happened?"

    "They come now... I must go..."


    Marudil awoke from his slumber with a start. He looked around the bed chamber of the Crimson Wing, but found that he was indeed alone. He had been contacted from afar... and he knew he could not afford to ignore his beckoning. Gathering his arrows and other belongings, he prepared to set off on the long journey to Falkreath. But first and foremost, he was compelled to give a proper farewell to his Imperial host and friend...

    "You're going so soon?" Erika asked.

    "An old... friend... has summoned me to Falkreath." Marudil replied, "A hunter from my own tribe in Valenwood. Her motives are unclear to me... but she has beckoned me all the same."

    "Summoned you? How in Oblivion did she--"

    "Her grandmother was a shaman in our tribe who could contact us through the mind. Over the years my friend was taught her grandmother's ways, though she found her true calling in the hunt. Clearly she has not forgotten what she learned... it was in my own dreams that she called to me."

    "But the people of your tribe..."

    "... Rejected me, yes. Which begs the question, why did she summon me? What does she want?"

    "Marudil... you know this could be a trap..."

    The wood elf paused. "... Yes... ... but her tone was genuine. She said something about... someone... coming for her?"

    "I'm coming with you. Just give me a moment to get my things and--"

    "No. ... No, this does not concern you."

    "We're friends, Marudil, we're in this together. You helped me face down the Order of the Dagger, so it's only fair that I help you now."

    Marudil sighed. "I'm sorry... but I must ask that you leave me to do this alone. I cannot explain why... it is a feeling."

    Erika set aside her arsenal. "Alright... but if you ever need me, just ask around the local taverns. You'll find me in no time."

    "Goodbye, my friend... may your sword be swift against your enemies." Marudil prepared to depart.

    "And may your aim be true." Erika replied.

    And with their goodbyes spoken, Marudil leaped out of Erika's window and plunged into the water below. His mind was racing with questions; what did his 'friend' want? Was this a trap? As he made his way to the Solitude carriage, he reflected upon his dream and the message he'd been given. Something about her words sent chills down his spine...

    They come now...

    Y'ffre has failed us...

    We were wrong...


  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief   ·  December 18, 2014
    Thank you!  If you want more background info on him, there's a link to his profile on my page. You can also find a chapter index for my two other Elder Scrolls fan fictions, "The Archer of Whiterun" and "The Sword Dancer".
  • Premier Eden
    Premier Eden   ·  December 18, 2014
    A great prologue! Gets the suspense going, and gives good background on the main character!