Followers: game breakers?

  • I love Skyrim, but when in the heat of battle my companion steps in front of me and I crack open his head, or my fireball burns her alive because she was too close to the enemy, I just get tired of reloading just so I can keep my moron pack mule. Real consequences in the game make it fun but can't followers turn into one of those protected/can't die characters while as my companion so I don't have to fear every time I swing my sword? Half the people in towns are, why not my followers when they are with me?

    This has been a real pain for me among other things that companions do. I hope they get upgraded soon, this would help me enjoy the game much more. Many have mentioned their desire for certain things to be changed such as, actually making them move so your not stuck in a small room for an hour. Flagging obvious traps. Having companions go where you go no matter what and staying with you instead of always being lost somewhere when you need them or hung up on a rock.

    What problems have you had with your followers and what would you like to change/mod? On a happier note what do you like about your follower and should remain?


  • Necronblue
    Necronblue   ·  January 6, 2012
    it's not that I only use them as a mule but when push comes to shove that seems like all they are good for. Sure a few arrows or a sword swing every once in a while but I end up kill them more often than I'd like. or because they are retarded i want to. M...  more
  • Robert Sixta
    Robert Sixta   ·  January 5, 2012
    that happens to me ALL the time. being a mage with chain lightning  doesnt seem to help the situation. Infact my bro a few weeks ago killed lydia 5 times just trying to get through one dungeon. I, personally would like to see the companion options of fall...  more
  • Matthew Winters
    Matthew Winters   ·  January 5, 2012
    That's creepy Corbett lol. And necronblue, it could be slightly tedious but if your using them purely for a mule you can talk to them and tell them to stand somewhere while you progress then come back move thm and repeat. I personally love my companion an...  more
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  January 5, 2012
    Ive not really got involved with the followers. Right near the start of my game i acquired Lydia in whiterun. Still high on the fresh new game smell i set off with Lydia in tow. At first i was impressed and lydia was a great help. Im not ashamed to say i ...  more