Skyrim opening scene leaked (no spoilers)

  • In case anyone has heard about it, and has been on the fence about watching it, a few points that may help you decide.

    1) The player doesn't look at any menus beyond what is needed to change gear. I was really hoping to see a list of skill perks, or something neat like that, but there's nothing of the sort in the video.

      - -  Nothing new here.

    2) The player seems to be recording a borderline speed run. There's no real effort made to pretend to explore (however limited the options), loot, or just take everything in. It's a person trying to finish the tutorial ASAP.

      - -  Nothing new here.

    3) It's really just about 20 minutes of pure, unadulterated spoilers. I think they did a better job than in Oblivion, but there's no reason why you can't wait a little bit to play through it yourself. My first hour of game play will definitely be less than it could of been due to watching it.

      - -  Tons new here, but very little of it should surprise you.

    Really, you can watch it or not, it's up to you, but don't trick yourself into thinking you're achieving more than getting a bunch of plot spoilers. The only game play thing I noticed is this: pulling the trigger with a bow and NOT drawing it all the way back, just like Oblivion, has arrows flopping harmlessly to the ground two yards away from your body. Everything else? Just go watch the E3 demo again.

    EDIT: Nothing bad has happened so far, but keep in mind if you post a spoiler here, it'll be visible on the main site. If you reply, try to resist posting anything that people might not want to read.


  • Brenton Fordham
    Brenton Fordham   ·  October 30, 2011
    watched it very exiting sequences my advice just wait for the game it seems like it would be better to experience it first hand no real spoilers tho
  • bobsdaname
    bobsdaname   ·  October 30, 2011
    ok watched it..... thx for the good link by the way. anyhoo yea it gives away spoilers but im just all tht more amped about the game now . the guy playin it is in such a hurry tho its ridiculous, i  wish it was hd too but oh well. also it kinda makes me w...  more
  • Hampus Bertilsson
    Hampus Bertilsson   ·  October 30, 2011
    here is a working link:
    I didn't mind watching it, because it had such a low quality that it will be like experiencing it anew once I play the actual game, but even so,...  more
  • dylan macleod
    dylan macleod   ·  October 30, 2011
    it was probably a journalists copy. All those soldiers. Im going to be over encumbered before the scene is over.
  • bobsdaname
    bobsdaname   ·  October 30, 2011
    its been removed
  • Anon
    Anon   ·  October 30, 2011
    To the people trying to find it, just search " skyrim opening, today " on Youtube every once in a while. There's two parts, each roughly 10 minutes long, but Bethesda is doing a fair job of taking them down. Just keep looking, you'll see it. Part two is u...  more
  • Dormin
    Dormin   ·  October 30, 2011
    Link*, was the video on youtube?
  • Dormin
    Dormin   ·  October 30, 2011
    Anyone have a line to the video? I'm not sure if I'll watch it yet, but I might want to see it.
  • Sideon Gray
    Sideon Gray   ·  October 30, 2011
    Definitely chock full of spoilers. I have to agree the player just rushed through it to get it done. Spent more time getting his hair just right than he did in the beginning areas.  Did it lessen the game for me? No - I never minded knowing whats in games...  more
  • dylan macleod
    dylan macleod   ·  October 30, 2011
    I liked how he picked up the book, being the only hint into the players destiny. no blades, no stones, just the escape scene. still has me wanting more.