How I got here.

  • My name is not important. In fact I only took a name after I was adopted and sent to school in Cyrodiil. My Imperial parents after finding they could not have children of their own. They said they felt they needed to do something to better the plite of the Valenwood savages, but I never felt like a savage; I am bosmer through and through.  I call it Imperial guilt. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my adoptive parents. They were good to me. They provided shelter, good meals, a good education and even helped when I started to feel the need to spend more and more time outdoors in Blackwood. Sadly though, one day they just disappeared. Gone to Oblivion, I was told, but I will never know.

    I don’t remember anything from my early childhood in Valenwood. All I have are sketchy memories of a rundown orphanage and then my childhood home outside of Leyawiin.  While wandering those woods I met with Scar-Tail and Argonian who lived in a camp near Bogwater. although  Scar-Tail was much older than me he didn't seem to mind me coming around. He was a good teacher and  taught me a lot including:  how to fight with a knife:  how to sneak up on prey: how to swim. He didn’t talk much about his past, or how he acquired these skills and I never asked. I do know he must have been in with some rough company because one day I found his body lying near his camp. His heart had been removed and his gold was one. I have no idea why this happened or who did it, but that is when I knew it was time to get out of Cyrodiil.

    I came to Skyrim to get away from all of the Empyreal politics and  live the good life of eating what I kill, trading for what I cannot make on my own, follow my intellectual pursuits and finding a good wife. That was my plan until I was picked up by a prisoner caravan just north of Bruma.I had committed no crime but I was deemed a boarder hopper. Why that is a crime, I have no idea.  I was nearly beheaded in Helgen. At the very moment the ax was about to come down a dragon attacked. Yes, a dragon. Ever since then I’ve been on the run.

    That is how I got where I am today. Here in Skyrim they call me dragonborn. Soon I will tell you all how I got that name. For now I am off to find “The Horn of Jergan Windcaller”. When I have time to rest I will write more.