Immortal Sacrifice Valaya of the Emerald Void Chapter 3 Happiness?

  • Not be, but be,

    What is there, over there?

    There is nothing.

    I was born at the bottom of a pit where no light shone, As if pressed together by the darkness.

    Uncertain of my origin,

    as if born under those dark, dark sediments.

    I had a Pale Form,

    but all those around me were in Color.

    In those bright forms eyes shining and teeth baring, as if preparing to attack

    And then...

    They surrounded me in great numbers and in fear, fear of what i had become.

    Whether they wanted to destroy me or become as me, i remember not

    I Just remember an overwhelming sadness consuming my heart.

    Soon they were no more, a crimson warm substance dropping from my talon.

    And i had nothing, nothing except my eyes.

    Then on, I felt nothing.

    No rather,

    it was possible what I felt was "Void" yet,

    I could hear nothing.

    I could bite nothing.

    I could smell nothing.

    I could feel nothing as I touch.

    I could not rest.

    I had no companion.

    Just walking alone.

    Walking, Walking, Walking.

    Until I had finally arrived at a thought.

    I have found something extraordinary.

    It was somewhat the place of birth for the strange corrupt souls that dotted the landscape,

    It was the first time my eyes had been captured.

    This place had no color,

    no sound, 

    no scent,

    does not interact with anything.

    It simply exist.

    It was the closest existence to void i had ever laid eyes on.

    I sank my body into that great void,

    into that great emptiness,

     abandoning the only thing I valued.

    My sight was forfeit.

    As i dissolved into the Void

    It felt as if everything had disappeared

    Was this happiness?

    The things reflected in my eyes have no meaning.

    the things that could not be reflected in my eyes, do not exist.

    that was my existence

    If a Such thing called happiness exist in this world,

    It should be something that resembles

    The limitless nothingness.

    Nihility is having nothing,

    and therefore nothing to lose.

    If that isn't happiness

    than what is?

    The things reflected in my eyes,

    have no meaning.

    The things that cannot be reflected In my eyes.

    do not exist.

    There is nothing, 

    in you. 

    And also,

    in me.