A Nervous Thought

  • I was wondering about something. I pre-ordered Skyrim from GameStop a while ago. I know that they have it in their system so that's not worrying me. However, one thought got in my head that didn't make me panic but, it made me nervous. How can I know if I will get Skyrim on Friday? Does pre-ordering mean you will get it opening day? If you guys know the answer that would be wonderful to hear. Also as a disclaimer I have never pre-ordered a game before, so this may just be foolish jitters I am having.


  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch   ·  November 8, 2011
    Thanks I didn't know how it worked.
  • Ekaj
    Ekaj   ·  November 8, 2011
    chill bro you"ll get it on friday
  • ManeatinShEePs
    ManeatinShEePs   ·  November 8, 2011
    Like multiple people have already said, you do not have anything to worry about. Pre-orders are reservations to make sure you get it on launch day, or the day after if you cant make it.They hold it for you.
  • Andrew
    Andrew   ·  November 8, 2011
    I've pre-ordered several times from gamestop and they always have my copy on release day. If you are nervous about it, go and pick it up at the midnight release or when the store opens. I can tell you though, if you're a customer that the guys recognize (...  more
  • Krazee Mon
    Krazee Mon   ·  November 8, 2011
    The point of pre-order for me is convenience and cost savings.  The convenience is that I am almost an hour's drive from the nearest retailer that carries console games, so why not simply have the game dropped at my door?  The cost savings is that shippin...  more
  • Arthur Keen
    Arthur Keen   ·  November 8, 2011
    If you've ordered online, to guarantee getting it on release day you'll need to pay for first class postage. Otherwise, it'll be posted either like, the day before or on release day itself - and you could get it up to three days late!

    Amazon ...  more
  • Mitch Brendard
    Mitch Brendard   ·  November 8, 2011
    im not sure about game stop but at walmart you get the game the day of, so i asume gamestop is the same, i have a question though, if i preorder skyrim will it have any bugs or anything else i need to know about?
  • Mchool42
    Mchool42   ·  November 8, 2011
    The game here in Australia is rumoured to be sold out. Well in Sydney anyway.
    Lucky i got in with my pre-order.
  • Jason
    Jason   ·  November 8, 2011
    what exactly is the point in pre ordering? every time a new game comes out i just head to walmart or kmart and they always have a full stock...
  • Paul Haley
    Paul Haley   ·  November 8, 2011
    they keep your pre-order for 2 days to insure that you will get the game. If u wait after 2 days they can sell the copy they had reserved for you. Now if u pre-ordered and go friday and they are out im pretty sure you can complain and get some free crap c...  more