Why I love (but secretly hate) The Skyrim Blog

  • This blog post is do two things, say thanks the everyone on this blog, and let of steam on what is annoying me about this blog. I'm going to speak in metaphors to prove my point. Imagine a criminal junkie who is craving some Skooma. He goes to the merchant who sells the Skooma. He is filled with excitement and joy as he enters the shop. The shop is packed with other people just as excited about Skooma as he is. He goes to ask for Skooma from the shopkeeper, but he is told that they won't have any for a few months. He is upset because he really wants the Skooma right now. In the shop everyone around him is talking about how much they want Skooma and what they will do with. Large conversations are going on with what they are going to with the Skooma and what their favorite part is. He leaves even more excited about Skooma than when he entered the shop. However, he is enraged that he can't have Skooma right now. The junkie still goes back to the store to see pictures of Skooma, ask questions about it, and even has a countdown of days when Skooma comes back. He wants the Skooma now and the information he is getting about the Skooma is only adding to his excitement and anticipation for it. He has mixed feelings of joy and frustration every time he visits the shop. He still goes to the shop every day just to see old pictures of Skooma that he has already seen, begging that the shipment arrives soon.

    I feel like the junkie, because I, like the rest of you guys, really want Skyrim. It's killing me that I don't have it yet and I'm losing my patience. All I can do is come back to the blog and stare at the countdown as it taunts us with every second. But without the blog, I wouldn't nearly be as excited about Skyrim as I am now. So I thank everyone involved for showing me I'm not the only one with a sort of childish obsession for a video game. Do any of you guys feel like the Skooma junkie, or am I just crazy?


  • Orc_King
    Orc_King   ·  November 1, 2011
    Haha I too am a Skooma junkie. You know how we Orcs love the taverns. HAHA.
  • Kevin
    Kevin   ·  October 31, 2011
    That's an interesting metaphor...

    Yes, I am very excited for Skyrim, and I am counting the days (any keeping track of the seconds) left until Skyrim launches.
  • dylan macleod
    dylan macleod   ·  October 31, 2011
    to alexander- i have a hyper active disorder that actually makes me convulse when i get excited. and skyrim gets me excited. true story
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch   ·  October 31, 2011
    That's why where here to get through our skooma withdrawal together. So I sincerely thank you guys for all that you have done
  • Sheogorath
    Sheogorath   ·  October 31, 2011
    your crazy...we all are. and i definatly feel like the skooma junkie
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  October 31, 2011
    Yes you're crazy

    You have waited for FIVE YEARS for this game, it won't kill you to wait another ten days.

    Besides, just imagine how sweet the feeling will be when you get chance to play it
  • Sideon Gray
    Sideon Gray   ·  October 31, 2011
    Hello, my name is Sideon, and yes I'm a TES addict. Waiting for their new product Skyrim. I visit this site 4-5 times a day. Not just for the small fix I get from it, but for the community as well.
  • Ssarrasum Blackscale
    Ssarrasum Blackscale   ·  October 31, 2011
    I too am a skooma... errr. Skyrim junkie.. I have never been clean and sober and won't be until at least 11-11-12
  • Madison Jade
    Madison Jade   ·  October 30, 2011
    My name is Madi and I'm addicted to TES
  • Alexander Carroll
    Alexander Carroll   ·  October 30, 2011
    That was pretty accurate, except you left out the part about wildly convulsing whenever you think about Skyrim. That does happen to you too, right? Right?..