Character Back story: Muk gro-Murob

  • This is my first time making a back story for a character so tell me if it's good.

    Muk Gro-Murob is an Orc who has become a tall tale is his home village on the border of Morrowind and Skyrim. He was found abandoned as an infant in the woods near a small all orc village. No one knew who Muk was so he grew up on the streets of the village as an orphan. He had an obsession over protecting the bugs of the village and treated them like brothers. He carried a jar of bugs with him where ever he would go. With his strange obsession the village treated him as the village lunatic and he lived as an outcast. He grew up hunting for his own food. He became very powerful and he could take down most animals with a bow and arrow.

    Muk than became a full grown adult. His village was attacked by dark elf bandits and was burned to the ground. Most of the village leaders were killed and the few remaining men and women didn't know what to do. Muk survived but lost his jar of bugs and became angry. However he than saw the other villagers who lost there homes and knew they were feeling the same grief he had. He gave up on his bug obsession and saw that the other orcs were his brothers and sisters. They rallied up into a mercenary group that swore revenge on the dark elves that destroyed their homes.

    The band of mercenaries ventured into Morrowind and fought bandits that were troubling small villages like theirs. They fought and killed several bandits that troubled peaceful villagers. Muk was regarded as the fearless leader who stood for the honor that their village stood for. In the small region that they protected, the band grew fame as defenders of justice to the lawless mountain range. For several years they fought bandits in the mountains to protect the innocent. Muk grew older but his thirst for justice was still as strong as it was the day the village was burned.

    Soon they ventured into Skyrim were and Imperial army mistook them for Stormcloaks. The band was ambushed by Imperial troops during the darkest hour of night. The band held their own against the soldiers for most the night. The legion had outnumbered Muk's band and began to encircle them. They began to retreat from the ambush to disappear in the snowy mountains. The Imperial forces pressed on and lessened the bands numbers with each attack. As dawn approached over the mountain peaks the legion closed in. The band was protected by the mountains save for on narrow valley. Muk than agreed to hold off the attackers to allow the rest of them to escape. He sat above the valley waiting for the legion. With only a three arrows and a broken blade Muk ambushed the legion alone. It was rumored that he killed 15 soldiers before he was captured. He lost his eye in the battle and was severely disfigured by the legion. Muk awoke in an old cell awaiting to be executed. He waits patiently in hope that one day he will be able to escape. Muk's legend is mostly faded from memory, but for those left from his band; he is a hero.


  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch   ·  November 7, 2011
    Thanks he is supposed to e a little insane because he grew up without any family or friends.
  • Talon
    Talon   ·  November 7, 2011
    "Muk survived but lost his jar of bugs and became angry," 
    I love his name. Very interesting backstory, especially his strange beginnings.
  • Orc_King
    Orc_King   ·  November 1, 2011
    Niiice bro, Muk is quite the hero.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  October 29, 2011
    I like re-write.  It really clarified a lot of things, and was a much easier read.  Good job.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch   ·  October 28, 2011
    Thanks guys all your input is helping my Orc become even cooler. I'll work on his ending and add more detail. Thanks
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  October 28, 2011
    I liked the overall story idea, but I agree with rob, the ending is a bit rushed.  A few grammar mistakes, mostly minor.  But this sentence is a bit awkward:  'In the small radius that they existed in the band grew fame as a group of mercenaries that brou...  more
  • rob
    rob   ·  October 28, 2011
    good- i think the last bit was a bit rushed, but otherwise a good backstory.