What has the Elder Scrolls taught me?

  • What has Elder Scrolls taught me? Elder Scrolls taught me that there is ALWAYS two sides of a story. That no matter what good deed you do, whether it be solving a conflict or making the world a better place, there will ALWAYS be an opposing force who disagrees with with your beliefs or opinions. It has taught me that you can never trust the government. For it will always become a coward in dire scenarios and will fill its citizens with empty promises, either brainwashing them or angering them. It has taught me…that no matter what crisis comes your way, no matter what odds are against you…there will always be a hero within you. You just have to discover it.


  • Hainesy
    Hainesy   ·  December 28, 2013
    Imagine if the in-game text was comic sans
  • Lozhar
    Lozhar   ·  December 28, 2013
    I've learned that if I have some kind of power in a city I can kill an annoying farm owner in broad daylight and get away with that 
  • Lozhar
    Lozhar   ·  December 28, 2013
    My eyes...
    ...They are burning and bleeding...
  • Titan
    Titan   ·  December 20, 2013
    That villagers are super sensetive about chickens lol
  • Lanius
    Lanius   ·  December 19, 2013
    Play Assassin's Creed Series, what you have written is more true about that, than Elder Scrolls.
  • Nelaf
    Nelaf   ·  December 19, 2013
    It hasn't taught you about good font usage though!
  • Kurdish Necromancer
    Kurdish Necromancer   ·  December 19, 2013
    Great, i really like this side of Elder Scrolls. It's not just a war between good and bad.