Oooh, I think I've got it! :D

  • Just found a lovely post by....The Nexus (had to go look it up).....on the Character Creation group, about an idea for a Frostfire mage build.  This really got my creative juices flowing, and I think I've FINALLY figured out how to spread out my various characters in Skyrim to get the most out of all of them! :D

    #1: Soleiya, Bosmer ranger - I've talked about her a lot (read her ongoing backstory if you wish), and she's unchanged.  Archery, alchemy, stealth skills, light armor, etc.  Antisocial and not really a main quest doer.

    #2: Aurelin, Nord paladin - I've mentioned her a few times. Heavy armor, one-handed, block, destruction, speech, smithing, enchanting, and generally anything morally upright and helpful.  She may swap into two-handed weapons occasionally (she prefers the shield as a rule), but she will never dual-wield.

    #3: Rhohirra, Khajiit assassin - This will be my Dark Brotherhood character.  As black a cat as the character creation engine will allow me to make. ;)  She will dual-wield swords and/or daggers, light armor, illusion, quite possibly conjuration (which I rarely use in TES games).

    #4: (Unnamed), Dunmer frostfire mage - Yes, I'm shamelessly borrowing The Nexus's idea. ;)  As he details in his post here, the frostfire mage mixes the two opposing ends of Destruction magic with several skills from the stealth end of the spectrum.  She also uses NO weapons.  At all.  This, to me, sounds challenging and fun!  I'm gonna give it a try.

    #5: Master-Of-None, Argonian jack of all trades. ;D  This was the capper to my inspiration.  By the time I get around to making this character (probably months and months from now), I will have done the Thieves Guild (Soleiya), the Companions (Aurelin), the College of Winterhold (Dunmer) and the Dark Brotherhood (Rhohirra).  I will hopefully have completed the main quest with Aurelin, and will have done a lot of random exploring with Soleiya.  Master-Of-None, then, is free to be a god character with no specific goals.  He can do whatever I have fun with, use whatever skills are at hand, and just generally apply all of the information and tricks I've gained through prior playthroughs.

    By the time I've done all of this, it will probably be 2013, lol. :)  And I will feel like I've really gotten as much as I can out of these characters I want to play.  I don't have a whole lot of interest in Redguards, Altmer, Bretons or Orcs, and I rather despise Imperials, so I think I will have scratched the various racial itches, too. ;)

    Many thanks to The Nexus for inadvertently inspiring me to finally work this out!


  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  November 5, 2011
    Go for it!  This will be my 4th (probably) character, so it's got a while to wait.  I'd love to hear how it works for you if you decide to play it first. :)
    Also can't wait to hear what other builds you have up your sleeve....
  • The Nexus
    The Nexus   ·  November 5, 2011
    Yea, the conjuration thing is for non-hardcore players :P
    I love this build so much, I might actually use it for my main character. Even though I wasn't planning on using this one until my secound character, likely a couple of months after release.<...  more
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  November 5, 2011
    @The Nexus You're right, alchemy would be a near-necessity to maintain your magicka pool.  I'm balking at the idea of conjured weapons, though.  You're right in that they're not "real" weapons, and if the game just proved too hard without some kind of mel...  more
  • The Nexus
    The Nexus   ·  November 5, 2011
    Glad I could help! I'm going to shamelessly promote my build by posting the link here:
    I was thinking about incorporating some conjuration or alch...  more
  • Ashley Matthews
    Ashley Matthews   ·  November 5, 2011
    Sounds great. I don't ever play mages, but I might have to steal that idea too. Thanks to Nexus for the original idea, and you for bringing it to my attention.