Random thoughts for the day...

  • I'm currently replaying my way through Morrowind in preparation for Skyrim (the S.O. is hogging the Xbox for FONV, so Oblivion's not an option, plus I always liked Morrowind better).  It's been several years since I've played this game in earnest, so I'm seeing it with fresh eyes.  And every once in a while, I notice things about the game that never occurred to me before...

    Gentleman Jim Stacey may be a world-class thief, but he's a crappy tactician.  His hideout/HQ is in the Canalworks.  Where there is more ambient noise than a sold-out rock concert (Remember all those little indoor waterfalls in the Vivec cantons that looked so cool back in 2002?...well their noises add up!).  Wouldn't it be smarter to hide somewhere that, oh, I don't know, you might be able to HEAR the ordinators coming, on the off-chance they decided to hunt you down and prosecute you for your sticky fingers??? 

    Plus, what kind of thief worth his salt has a hideout with no back door to escape through?

    Just all-around bad planning, I tell ya....