Gone From Home - Chapter 8: Disturbing Alliance

  • The heavy thrum of mighty hooves boomed across the forest like the beating of a war drum. The ground was disrupted with great billows of snow as the massive horse drove on, baring its load with great heaves of breath. The wintry Skyrim air rushed over the two beings, mist materializing over their lips and rushing off with the speed of the wind. The trees sped past them in a blur of grey and white, and even yet the horse was urged to a quicker pace. A grey cloak lined with fur whipped from behind the rider as the cold air rushed through it. However, the horse's pace slowed almost instantly with a tug of his reigns, and he snorted in acknowledgement, dragging his hooves in front of him to halt after sliding over the sleek snow.

    Jarl Haren glared at the three figures before him with stiff silence, eyes scanning over them suspiciously. They all sat on horses not native to Skyrim, for their pelts were sleek and glossy with muscular frames but far more thin than the average Skyrim horse. The riders were tall-at least seven feet in length-and they were cloaked in uniform dark blue hooded robes lined with gold. Their faces were hidden under the hood, which casted a dark shadow over their heads. But Haren already knew what they were. His hand curled around the hilt of his sword and he demanded, "What business do Altmer have in my homeland?"

    The elf in the middle pulled down his hood with a swipe of his hand and Haren was able to see his face. He held the typical high cheekbones and long chin that almost every Altmer possessed, and his long hair was white as snow. His eyes were almond-shaped and golden, glittering beneath thin eyebrows. His thin lips were brought into a kind, greeting smile. Haren disliked him immediately. The Altmer spoke, his voice smooth, silky, and churning Haren's stomach. "Apologies, friend. We meant to send a messenger to the High King and ask permission to enter Skyrim, but unfortunately haste is our top priority. I am Ancano and these are my colleagues." He indicated to them with a smooth flick of his hand, and they tilted their heads in greeting.

    Haren scoffed. "Enough pleasantries; answer my question," he growled gruffly. Ancano's smile wavered slightly before he nodded.

    "Ah, yes. Of course, Nords do like to be straight-forward. Then I shall be blunt. A dangerous renegade has escaped our land to gather supporters from other countries in order to rebel against the Queen. He is swift and beholds a silver-tongue, and we believe that he has gathered thousands. We have been given orders to capture him and bring him back for trial."

    Haren quirked an eyebrow, interest settling in. He feigned indifference and disbelief even as he leaned closer to set his gaze on the Altmer. "And you believe he has hidden himself in Skyrim?"

    Ancano nodded. "According to the sources of allies, he has been spotted crossing the border riding a white horse. We hope to obtain him before he causes any irreversible damage."

    Haren grunted and nodded grimly. "Unfortunately, your renegade already has. He has captured a child as a hostage, and I am certain he plans to cross over Skyrim to reach Morrowind with the child in tow. My men have already found the trail." Haren felt it was best not to inform these Altmer that the child was his son.

    A wave of surprise and sympathy came over the Altmer; Haren was not impressed by the facade. "Then we have not a moment to lose! Please, sir, allow us to accompany you and deal with this menace."

    Haren wrinkled his nose in displeasure and answered, "I'm quite certain my men can capture one measly Altmer."

    Ancano's lips twitched slightly as his eyebrows lowered into a frown; he nodded before muttering in a lower tone, "We made the dire mistake of believing as such too. However, this is an incredibly skilled mage-one that not even our captains can tame. He is highly resourceful and witty."

    Haren snorted and felt his horse shift underneath him to set a steely glare at the Altmer's horses. "And so she sends not a legion of soldiers, but three wizards?" The Altmer's lips pressed into a thin line and he nodded slowly. Haren scoffed and felt triumph swell in his chest as Ancano twitched in irritation.

    "The Queen holds faith in us, Sir Nord."

    "The trust of an Altmer queen means nothing for a Nord. Neither would a Nord king's word reach the ears of Altmer."

    Ancano's companions shifted slightly, their eyes narrowing and lips curling into an unpleasant frown. Their horses paced restlessly in one spot, barred off by the proud Nordic steed. Haren noticed that the elves' golden fingers twitched in anticipation. Setting his jaw, he silently questioned his intelligence. After all, it was one Jarl against three mages, and if he provoked them he could very well be slaughtered. But the thought passed like the breeze of the wind, replaced with confidence. If the Altmer ever dared to kill a Jarl, it would mean immediate war. He simply hoped the elves were not that foolish.

    Ancano noticed his colleagues' anxiety and casted a warning glare at them. Their heads bowed at the wordless scorn, causing Haren's chest to flutter in utter glee. Ancano's eyes darted across the ground in desperation. They flashed with sudden delight and he turned back to the jarl. "And I assume you know precisely how to battle against an Altmer. Of course, a warrior of your stature must realize a mage's tactics and abilities."

    Haren's retort immediately became stuck in this throat, his mouth closing with a loud clop. His eyes blazed with irritation mixed with embarrassment and he tightened his grip on his horse's reigns in frustration. Of course he did not know how battle against an Altmer mage! True, he battled against Imperials and rebelling Nords, but there was not a great amount of tactics needed. He simply hacked at them with his sword like a berserker. Once he met the mage, he planned to snap the elf in two. From the Altmer's glistening eyes, Haren assumed there was far more complication than that.

    But he would not give in so easily to Ancano's logic. With one final pathetic attempt to cast them away, he barked, "And why should I let you pass? It is not uncommon to behold assassins in any country, and you three might pose as such a threat."

    Ancano's face split into a knowing smile which made Haren's skin crawl. "My friend, if we were assassins, I doubt we'd make ourselves known. Besides, for three Altmer to enter the land of the Nords, battle against them, and expect victory, it would be utterly foolish. You could cleave us all into pieces."

    Haren pursed his lips in thoughtfulness. The image of snapping the Altmer in half with a swing of his sword was a pleasant one, especially on such a rotten day. And these creatures were never the trustworthy type, no matter what the Imperials were beginning to think. However, it was true that Haren knew nothing of this renegade who had captured his boy, and any false, foolish movement could render him fatherless and filled with agonizing grief. And so, he was brought to a choice: his pride or his son.

    In mere seconds, he came to a decision. He nodded stiffly and loosened the grip on his sword hilt. "Fine," he growled, adjusting the grip on his horse's reigns. "Follow me. But if you even flutter an eyelash the wrong way, I'll flay you alive and bury you in the woods."

    The Altmer seemed not the least bit disturbed as he smiled pleasantly-or unpleasantly, in Haren's eyes. He nodded to his companions and adjusted himself on his saddle. "Lead the way, my friend."