Character Build Storm-Front Zealot

  • Character Build: Storm-Front Zealot

    As as child your parents were extremely strict and demanding. Always trying to force you into being a writer or a minstrel but you stayed with your beliefs and was a quiet child. Living in Hammerfell was rough and your parents had to move you to Sentinel when your small mining town in Southern Hammerfell was overrun by a group of bandits.

    Later on in life your parents started to push you towards the arts again but you stood defiantly still. That led to your first shouting match with your dad and led to your mother having a heart attack from the stress of it. From that day on your dad resented you and rarely spoke with you.

    One month later you came home and found your dad on the ground with a sword sticking out of his gut. Every time you tried to pull the sword out it burned your hand and by the time the town guard had came you had ran knowing that they would blame you. However you left with tears in your eyes and clutching the letter that would change your life forevermore.

    You vowed that you would kill Lord Harkon and the Volkihar Clan as they were the people that did this crime. Apparently your father owed someone money and when he refused he sent his old family friends to kill him. Lord Harkon was the one who killed your father. But he even had the audacity to write a letter gloating about the death. To kill him you must join up with the Dawnguard.

    Three days later you arrive in Skyrim. The rough nordic land holds true to its name as you get attacked by bandits when camping one morning. As they leave you to die your mind strays to one thing, the Divines, for some reason they have found you as their specimen and always heal your wounds. So you prayed for what felt like years and when you awoke it was morning.

    This was quite weird because when you had passed out it was noon. Maybe you had been laying their for a couple of hours. When you got up you immediately felt different. You noticed your campsite was torn up and that you were taller, your muscles more defined. You walked for what felt like forever until you came to the border of Skyrim. You wanted to get out of this land and back to yours.

    Now you must get out of your latest predicament as you were caught by Imperials for being a fugitive. Skyrim has changed in the time since you fell unconscious. It looks different and you are being taken to a place called Helgen to be executed. Will this be your final moment in this world or will the divines help you yet again?


    Race: RedGuard (Originally i was going to use a nord or a high elf but decided against as being a redguard tied in more with the story and he helped out better with a lot of the skills used by this build as he starts with a boost to 5 of his 8 skills)

    Stone: Lord (Choose mage to start as most of your skills in warrior path are high enough to start out with and you need to raise your enchanting skill. Choose lord once those are high enough)

    Major Skills:

                                                          Two Handed (Kind of obvious, your a sword wielding maniac)

                                                          Destruction (You need this to tie in with the storm part)

                                                          Heavy Armor (You will need protection form all those vampires)

                                                          Archery (Your a Zealot, you must be extremely versatile)

                                                          Minor Skills:

                                                          Smithing (You need to make enchanted weapons better)

                                                          Speech (You have to get discounts for all the expensive stuff)

                                                          Enchanting (You have to get electricity for your weapons)

                                                          Block (Mostly just for Deadly Bash, your shield has spikes)


    Ebony Helmet, and Nightingale for the rest.(It is iconic armor and its pretty good too)

    Shield is Targe of the Blooded (Best shield in the game has spikes and shows no mercy, ties in perfectly with this build, use this sheild with destruction magic)


                                                           Ebony Greatsword(Very powerful sword if you upgrade it fully it   

                                                                                      works like a charm)

                                                            Nightingale Bow (Extremely powerful bow, Nuff Said)

                                                            Destruction Magic (Your part storm mage so yeah destruction

                                                                                        magic works well)


    Call Storms: You are a storm warrior you must control the weather as you see fit.

    Clear Skies: Once again you have the power to banish any foreign storms.

    Slow Time: You are a subject of the divines, why not control time?

    Disarm: Your enemy's drop their weapons in fear.

    Followers: Belrand and Meeko

    Belrand is an obvious choice. He is powerful, versatile and can use magic. Meeko can hold his own in battle being a dog and is adorable.

    Mount: Frost

    Frost follows more along the lines of this build and having a free horse who has a name is great. Shadowmere is better than him by a long shot he's faster, stronger and more aggresive but he's harder to get and does not tie into this build.

    Hope you guy enjoy this build and i hope it helps you.