Backstory To The Greatest Nord Who Ever Lived

  • Fenrisulfr; (wolf of hell) was not a common pimp. The Nord belonged to a group of pimps known in Skyrim as the 'Macks'. The Macks were not just 'urban strollers'; they presented themselves as objects to be observed.

    Legend has it that Fenrisulfr was born in the mountains, and raised by wolves. The only way to know his real story is by asking him. And he ain't tellin'.

    The closest way to describe Fenrisulfr is a Nordic Grizzly Adams. Mountain man with a notouriously badass beard. His battle tactics are similar to that of Cochise, the Apache. He leaves no foe left un-scalped. Fenrisulfr uses his sword called "Gulbrandr"; (God's sword). The sword, acording to Fenrisulfr, used to belong to Talos himself. It would take an enourmous Nord swordsman such as him to even lift it.

    "William Lyons, 25, an Imperial Merchant, was stabbed in the abdomen yesterday evening at 10 o'clock in the saloon of Bill Curtis, by Fenrisulfr, a Nord carriage driver. Lyons and Fenrislufr were friends and were talking together. Both parties, it seems, had been drinking and were feeling in exuberant spirits. The discussion drifted to politics, and an argument was started, the conclusion of which was that Lyons snatched the Nord's hat from his head. The latter indignantly demanded its return. Lyons refused, and Fenrisulfr withdrew his sword and stabbed Lyons in the abdomen. When his victim fell to the floor Fenrislufr took his hat from the hand of the wounded man and coolly walked away. He was subsequently arrested and locked up. Lyons was taken to the Dispensary, where his wounds were pronounced serious."

    Here is an artist's rendering:


  • C.P. King
    C.P. King   ·  November 4, 2011
    Thanks. I'll post it.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  November 4, 2011
    Nice start to your back story (stabbing a friend in a drunken stupor - sad, but makes a good opening).
    Also, you should post the picture in the photo section.