Character Build: Corrupted Telvanni Lich

  • You were once the hero of Cyrodiil. The Hero of the Oblivion Crisis. Among the most powerful mages of the Great House Telvanni. But things have taken a turn for the worse. In the years following the Crisis, you had foreseen the end times on the approach. You cloistered yourself in your tower and began enchanting powerful artifacts to aid you and those around you in the coming times. You had even crafted a Phylactery, should you need the immortality to live to see the harbingers. All was nearly ready, until the Thalmor got reports of necromancy and dark magic seeping from your tower. They, along with a group of imperial soldiers burned everything to the ground, and demolished your artifacts. They took you as a prisoner, and drained you of your power. You were helpless as the first dragon returned, watching in horror as it tore apart everything. You couldnt help but chuckle at the irony of the dragon's destruction of the Thalmor and imperials. The thing you worked so hard to fight, destroying those who destroyed your defense. You quickly escaped and began to regain your power. Until you become maddened by it. You seek more, eventually reconsidering the power of the lich. You experimented with undeath, until you understood that your beating heart was your final limitation. You soon found a much easier path to immortality: vampirism. You now possess the limitless power of the vampire, the ultimate limiter removal. 


    Race: Dunmer

    as an ex Telvanni, you are of the purest Dunmer blood

    Stone: Ritual, Atronach(Ætherial crown for both, if you so choose)

    Major Skills: Destruction(shock), Conjuration, Enchanting

    Minor Skills: Illusion, Restoration, Alchemy, Alteration

    Optional Skills(to become more of a Sauron/Ganon character): Smithing, One Handed, Heavy Armor

    Perks(Warrior perks included):

    Equipment: "Caress of the Damned"(one handed sword enchanted with Health absorb and frost damage), Self-enchanted gear. (havent refined this yet sorry) 

    Favored Shouts: Bend Will, Become Etherial, Marked For Death, Dragon Aspect, Drain Vitality, Storm Call, Soul Tear, Summon Durneviir

    Vampire lord as final source of power, the final unlock of the soul

    RP Quirks: Despises Thalmor, Hates the Racist Stormcloaks, but is willing to use them to strike the Empire. Prefers to Leave combat to underlings, but he will occasionally indulge himself in bloodshed. Holds a constant thirst for knowledge, a remnant of his Telvanni days. 

    I actually continued this character from my oblivion character :P

    This is my first build, so any pointers/constructive advice is appreciated