Skyrim Unboxing


  • David Steel
    David Steel   ·  October 28, 2011
    Soleiya: no, he definitely went right into the game after the video was taken. He posted an article about how to potentially join the Dark Brotherhood pretty much right after the video was taken, believe. The article was posted 2 days ago though and IGN s...  more
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  October 28, 2011
    Lol....that guy seemed like he was practically jumping out of his skin with excitement.  I could almost hear him thinking, "ok, let's get this stupid video over with so I can start PLAYING THE GAME..." 
    ...or perhaps that was just me projecting how ...  more
  • Necronblue
    Necronblue   ·  October 28, 2011
    they are so lucky!! im really glad that a map is included because then we can mark on it the locations of things we find that may not appear on the actual in game map. and also the other places for new characters that start out with nothing if we feel inc...  more
  • Larthjar the Nord
    Larthjar the Nord   ·  October 28, 2011
    This means I can get my copie any day now! I'm also writing a review! The distributor will send me the game directly!  
  • Imeera
    Imeera   ·  October 28, 2011
    This is just cruel beyond meaning, beyond words. If I knew this guy I would slap him. Imeera very ANGRY D<D<D<