The Old Orc - Chapter 8

  • The road to Windhelm was quite a distance on my old legs. I had a number of encounters, each of which made the journey much more interesting. First, I met a cat named M'aiq, and he proceeded to share with me his "pearls of wisdom." What an interesting man. Later on, I encountered a reckless young Orc whom insulted me on sight. I challenged her to a battle, and have her head as a trophy. At about 1 PM on this 19th of Last Seed, I encountered a fellow old Orsimer who was searching for a good death. We agreed to fight to the death, and it was him who departed Tamriel this day. Even with Windhelm in my sight, I was attacked. This time by a shameful Argonian with arcane powers. He will never cast another spell. It is now time to join Ulfric, and take back what belongs to us.


  • William Perkins
    William Perkins   ·  May 4, 2013
    It is kind of supposed to be the journal of this old orc.
  • William Perkins
    William Perkins   ·  May 4, 2013
    Cool. I'm glad you like them. I will keep them coming out. My next one might not be until later though
  • Raspy
    Raspy   ·  May 4, 2013
    In a story like The Old Orc, you may not want to give specific times of day. In this chapter, the events could occur "early afternoon", or "around midday". Now, if The Old Orc is to arrive for a party at the Thalmor Embassy at a specific time, then give t...  more
  • William Perkins
    William Perkins   ·  May 3, 2013
    To any and all readers:
    I am an aspiring author, and love to use these blog posts as exercises to refine my wrinting. Please comment your feedback. Thanks!
    ~Will P.