The Thief: Awakening (Prologue)

  •  I was done. Moving on to a new life of monotony, to grow old and settle down. This is my last heist I thought, but fate it seems had other plans....


    I had finished what I sought out to do. The coin and jewels in hand, I was en route to the exit when I felt it. At first I was just startled unsure of what just happened. That's when I felt it, the warm liquid running down my face. Everything started to spin, my feet gave way and there I was lying face down in a pool of my own blood. Was I caught, no, I didn't miss anything. I was good at what I did, damn good. That's why I wanted out. To leave it all behind at my prime, when no one could touch me. I was clearly wrong. Arrogant and headstrong, not to mention being younger than most this successful. Just out of my childhood and a few years into being considered a man. I had made enemies along the way, too many I feared and they would rather see me at the bottom of a lake than off living on my spoils. This though was different, methodical and very well planned. No one should have known I was here. I had taken the last few months to clean up my trail and to disappear as if I had never been here at all. A ghost, with only tales to be t old. I attempted to roll over to see who had ended what was supposed to be my biggest success in utter failure. It was then I saw the smile, nothing pretty to be certain. Hideously painted sharp teeth on a face mask. Joker. The Dark Brotherhood's favorite child. For him to be here I knew it was over. At least I was taken out by the best, I don't know who hired him, but they must have payed a hefty amount. I smirked to myself. I'm okay with this I thought. So I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable outcome, only it didn't come. My eyes immediately opened and I then noticed a second figure. A towering monster of a man who put his hand on Joker as if to tell him his job was done and as such, Joker just up and faded into the shadow's. My focus then went back to the man before me. " Sad, to think it would be your childhood friend who bring you to your knees." The man's voice was dark and he sounded afflicted. I looked farther up searching for his face, his eyes were as red as oblivion. Then everything went black. 

    I'm not sure how long I was out, but it had to have been for a while because I woke up in a boat and I was freezing. An Argonian then appeared in front of me " Hard times stranger, I wish the Nords, Dark Elves and Argonians got along better. It is what it is though. I suggest you keep your face covered, they take your kind even worse these days." I looked up to see the massive gray walls surrounding the ancient nordic city. I had only ever heard tales, but there was no doubt. I was in Windhelm home of Ulfric Stormcloak, the last place any Imperial would want to be.

    afternote; so I am pretty new to the site, uh well at least relatively speaking and I have been sitting on this for a while. I had to do it right though, so please go easy on me. I plan to update this as frequently as possible. I have been playing a thief type character since I picked up Oblivion years ago. It's the only way I go and I roleplay my character very seriously. So this is just the start. I use tons of mods and have completely changed the overall style of my Skyrim. I will eventually add a page that details the mods I use. If you got this far, thanks so much for reading. :)   

    sincerely, Casper


  • codecasper
    codecasper   ·  November 4, 2013
    Lol not as vein no, obviously there will be differences and similarities. The one thing about the character written above was that he wasn't cocky or bloated he was good because he didn't do it for the money or greed. He did it for the challenge. I'm not ...  more
  • codecasper
    codecasper   ·  November 4, 2013
    Actually @Christopher Perigoe my new post is going to be a continuation of this story in many ways. Well the tales of a thief. It will be in the same fashion as this story only with a modern twist so to speak. I'm throwing myself into the world of skyrim ...  more
  • Lore Master
    Lore Master   ·  May 25, 2013
    " Sad, to think it would be your childhood friend who bring you to your knees."'
    This line hooked me, can't wait for the rest +1 :D
  • JustCallMeKade
    JustCallMeKade   ·  May 25, 2013
    This story is great! Can't wait to hear more, only recently started playing as a thief character and its a very rewarding play through.
  • codecasper
    codecasper   ·  May 24, 2013
    Armathyx, thank you very much I really appreciate it. I do plan to continue this, but as I am doing this as a play through I have run into a snag. So I want to bring you guys quality pictures and such, but I realized I dont know what armor to start with a...  more
  • codecasper
    codecasper   ·  May 16, 2013
    Jacob, that's how I play so it's definitely coming. I use a mod called Alternate Start live another life. So he isn't dragonborn. With help of mods though i should be able to go through everything :)