
  • It was big as a mammoth, and black as the night sky. It's eyes blood red, showing nothing but an intend to kill. My cry had caught the attention of everyone, and we all stood in disbelief as the dragon descended on a house roof. A bone shattering roar from the dragon made everyone realize their deepest fear. I could swear that I recognized words hidden in the shout, but I didn't get time to consider it, as the clerk ran into me in an act of panic to escape from this horrible beast. His head met my jaw with a tremendous force, and it knocked me out. Before slipping into darkness I caught glimpse of the dragon swooping down, swallowing Ralof in one big gulp.

    I woke up to a nightmare. The city was pretty much burnt down to rubble, and there was not a living soul to see. I lay there trying to believe what I had seen before my knockout. There was no mistake. That HAD to have been a dragon. But they hadn't been seen for centuries, so that couldn't be? I slowly managed to get up on my knees. I looked around, and saw the bodies of my fellow prisoners. Some lay  burnt to cinder while others had either been crushed by falling rubble or cut open by what must have been giant talons. I couldn't see Ralof or Ulfric, when I remembered that Ralof had been eaten. A chill ran down my spine as I thought of it. Even though I had only known him for a few hours I couldn't help but mourn him. No one deserved to die like that.

    I climbed to a stand, and started to slowly walk towards the city gate. I could feel how hunger and thirst sapped me of energy, and when I finally stumbled through the gate I collapsed. I saw a silhouette come closer. It divided and became many as it slowly approached me. I felt how I lost consciousness, hoping that whoever it was would help me. Just before slipping into the darkness once more I heard a gentle voice; 'Erik, look! A survivor!'