Endras The Wood Elf- Chapter 2

  • I awoke feeling quite well rested, i jumped up and went downstairs to the main part of the inn. Unsurprisingly the inn was already quite full, full of poor men drinking their lives away with cheap mead, that did remind me however, i had still got some skooma left from the redwater den, i went and sat on my own by the fire and took a sip. Wow, that redwater stuff is really strong, i'm used to just normal plain old skooma that mother used to bring in Valenwood, this was definitely not what i was used too.
    I stumbled out of the door and looked up towards the sky, the suns glare blurred my view even more which was not welcome, i wobbled around the marketplace my view coming back ever so slightly with each step. When i regained my composure i strolled over to a angry looking woman's stall, she was wearing all leather armor and was selling items of similar quality, i managed to unload a few of my goods to her for decent coin.
    I found my way to where Brynjolf was standing, it seemed he was already busy with a woman, i hung around awkwardly until they had finished, when i finally got to speak with him he ran over the details again and then started his distraction. He used a speech about a new wonder tonic named "FalmerBlood Elixir" i watched him for a while, finding myself actually quite interested. There was no doubt he was a good public speaker.
    I decided i should hurry on with the task at hand, as expected the locks on Modesi's stall were powerless to my lockpicks, in mere seconds i had the ring. I casually walked past Brand-Shei and dropped the ring into his pocket. I winked at Brynjolf and sensing i had done the deed, he ended his speech,i waited for the crowd to clear then i went to collect my payment from him, he officially invited me to join the thieves guild down in the Ratway, i decided i would, after all i had nothing to lose.Before heading down there i stopped to admire my handiwork as Brand-Shei was approached by a guard and taken away.
    The Ratway was down by the river, a few wooden planks hastily placed formed a walkway to the door, i opened the rusty old gate and headed inside,the Ratway was as you'd expect really, wet and dark, two men were stood at the end of the hall. Clearly they were not having a good time, i overheard some sort of argument they were having, but to be honest i couldn't care less, i took the first out with my bow and left the other in a pool of his own blood.
    The rest of the Ratway was of little trouble to get through, there was a couple of vagabonds and lowlifes around but nothing i couldn't handle easily, i reached what looked like an inn named "The Ragged Flagon" i presumed this was the thieves guild base of operations. Sure enough, i found Brynjolf inside along with a couple more members, i talked to him and he seemed almost surprised id made it there. I assured him it was easy. To complete my initiation he wanted me to shake down and collect gold from 3 merchants in the city that were refusing to pay up.
    I left the Ratway wondering if this was actually the life i wanted to be living, when i set out for Riften all i wanted was some shelter and a place to rest, however now i'm wondering, would the life of a thief be so bad?