Fawn's Journal; Entry #3

  • I have one thing to say. Why me?

    I guess I have to explain now. Don't I dear Journal? I'll start from where I left off.

    I left the Inn at eight in the morning. Ready to leave for Valtheim towers. The mist from last night was still there and had grown thicker and wetter.

    While walking south I spotted a deer on the other side of the river. I drew my bow but out of the bushes and shadows a werewolf attacked the deer! A werewolf! More of my kind. I was in no mood to get acquainted; we don't get along when in beast form if you get my drift. So I snuck until the Beast had lost my scent.

    As I got to the junction that lead to Whiterun one way and the other way to Valtheim towers, a storm started. At that point I thought, “Screw this. I am not fighting bandits on a tower bridge in a storm!” and ran to Whiterun's gates, getting wetter and wetter.
    Then! The guards decided to stop me to inquire my business! I just told them I needed to talk to the Jarl about Helgen.

    He let me in under the bland threat of keeping an eye on me. I ran to the Bannered Mare and rented a room for the day.

    I stayed there until the storm ended. I had blinded the windows because as long as no moonlight touches me I am fine.


    When the sun finally started shining at ten the next day I decided there was no point in delaying or I might have trouble with the guards so I made my way to Dragonsreach the castle that was at the top of Whiterun’s hill. The Jarl was an impressive man, even though his houecarl (a bodyguard of some kind) was a bitch. He was amazed at my account of the attack in Helgen and sent troops to Riverwood right that moment.

    Next thing he wanted me to do work for the court wizard! Because I have seen dragons with my own eyes I know more about them than anyone… yada yada. Coicnidentally the wizard just wanted me to retrieve an odd stone that I had already acquired from Bleakfalls Barrow. So no problem there.

    However this is when the real trouble starts. Mrs dunmer housecarl comes in and orders us both to come upstairs. It was urgent. This guard had run for his damned life because a dragon had attacked the western watchtower.

    So me, Irileth and her best men were assigned to go to the watchtower and face a frikking Dragon!!!


    --Am I the only one who sees the flaws in this plan? Five guards at a watchtower got slaughtered and the tower destroyed. Now they think five guards, a huntress and a bstupid bodyguard can handle a dragon?! Well the Jarls do as they please…--


    Luckily the Jarl had awarded me with some new leather armor as well as leather shock resistant boots. Sure… dragons breathe lightning in this day and age. But it would have been my death not to wear a noble’s gift to battle. And heck, leather is better than my fur armor.


    It was a miracle we had actually killed the dragon. Too many goddam arrows can bring even the largest lizard from the sky. Then the dragon just went on fire and I swear the strangest feeling overcame me. I felt its thoughts, memories, language flowing through my head as the dragon burned up. I felt for merely a moment enlightened.

    The guards were yelling something like dragonborn and urged me to ‘shout’ speak the tongue of dragons. I was reminded me of that word on the wall and yelled it. To my surprise my voice staggered the guards, knocking them over.

    Now they were in an uproar.

    Back at old Dragonsreach the Jarl decided to send me on a pilgrimage to the greybeards as I was a chosen one. Well fuck him and fuck the greybeards. I am off to the Reach. I heard there is good game and enough forsworn for the nights where the moon is out. I’m out of this madness!

    I hope you enjoyed, comments would be appreciated.

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