Kostas Blackeyes's Stories Of Grolin The Dwemer (Part 2)

  • he earthquake sound confused everyone and they had no idea of what was going to happen.... "what was that?" asked the inventor , "i don't know sir its the first time something like that happens" the guard responded.."must have been nothing......nothing to worry about people get back to work" the guard captain ordered the others . "bigger earthquake" rocks started falling on the ground.."TAKE CO...AAAAUGH!" the guard got killed before finishing his phrase , the people paniced and started running for cover which led to more deaths and eventually the whole place collapsed . Grolin and the snow got out just in time to survive the collapse

    Glorin then turned around and looked at the ruins desperate " it cant be true......my...my race is gone...im the last dwemer in Tamriel...what am i gonna do???" said Grolin while crying "im sorry my friend but we got to move...we must find shelter"said Eltor , "of..of course you keep going im going to stay a while"Glorin responded , "suit yourself" said Eltor left...Grolin left eventualy and found Eltor and the others dead....slaughtered by imperial soldiers who outnumbered them by far , "sieze him!" said the imperial captain.. "wha...what??first my race and then the snow elves???my friends????? "Grolin tried to escape  but it was no use....he was captured by the imperials...heading to Helgen on a carriage with Ulfric Stormcloak

    "i'm doomed.."  Grolin said to himself..when they reached Helgen Ulfric asked him "Whats your name elf ? " , "uh im Grolin..who are you?" asked grolin confused "im Ulfric Stromcloak..leader of the rebellion against the Empire cowards who banned the worship of Talos and Surrendered to the Aldmeri Dominion "Ulfric ranted..." shut up back there ! "shouted the imperial carriage driver.. "huh? rebellion? Talos? Aldmeri Dominion? what are all these things ?" asked Grolin who was completely confused at the time "you're kidding me right?" asked Ulfric.. "no,im the last of the Dwemers,i've been living underground my whole life,i know nothing of the surface world" Grolin responded.

    "DWEMER?,it cant be,the dwemers disappeared a long time ago"said Ulfric who seemed to doupt Grolin...." i am,its true,my people died in an earthquake which  buried them to the ground" , "i do not give a skeevers cheese about your people...all i care about is my people."Ulfric responded ,"whatever"said Grolin and stoped talking.When the carriage stoped,Hadvar started shouting names from hi list of criminals and stormcloaks..."Ulfrick Stormcloak" he shouted..Ulfric got to line at the chopping block.... "um whose the elf?" Hadvar asked the captain..."i don't know...i don't care,he goes for the execution" said the captain , "by your orders,YOU GO STAND IN LINE" shouted Hadvar . Grolin walked to the chopping block ready to be executed , his heart beating fast as his head touched the block praying for a miracle.......

    Part 3 coming soon