Elizabeth - Prelude

  • Elizabeth the Lastborne - Prelude (part 1)

    I find myself in the wilds.  An uncanny silence fills the trees, no bird chirps, pecking of woodpeckers, wild calls of wolves on the air, nothing.  The venison stew bubbling in the pot over my campfire is the only sound apart from the rustle of the wind in leaves on the tree above me.  And then I hear it.  It’s sudden, and it’s loud.  The roar of a thousand lions all in harmony, yet distorted to pierce even the smallest ear miles away.  And suddenly rain and thick clouds.  But not any rain, sweltering rocks of fire screaming down to earth from beyond the heavens.  I look up, and immediately jump to my right, as a burning ball of inferno rips into my tent, setting it ablaze, throwing dirt and rock in all directions.  My Fir Boot catches fire and I frantically kick and shove to put it out in the sand nearby.  And then I see it, black as ink, it’s shadow sweeping across my encampment first, and then peering up I see it’s molten scaly hide swoop low over the trees, razor like spines across it’s back, legs and head.  Again the ear deafening roar…  It’s a Dragon!

    (to be continued)


  • FXMorph
    FXMorph   ·  February 12, 2013
    @Bilal -  Tyvm :)  Sadly the Pic of Alduin is not my own, I found it on Google images. but all the rest is my own ^^
    @Polynike - Yes absolutley.  Best mod ever.
  • Polynike
    Polynike   ·  February 12, 2013
    Using the Live Another Life Mod to start?
  • FXMorph
    FXMorph   ·  February 10, 2013
    Thank you for the comment Guy, I hope that my story will be new and refreshing to all the readers. 
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 10, 2013
    Be interesting to see where this goes 
  • FXMorph
    FXMorph   ·  February 8, 2013
    Thank you Armathyx, I appreciate the time you take to comment.
    Concerning it being short, I wanted to set a mood of mysticism... if that is even the right word, but I didn't want to jump right into the action yet.  So I opted for a short into (ice-br...  more