Hmmm..Can't decide...

  • Ok, I'm having a hard time deciding how to play the game on my first time through.  I know I may be over-thinking this but I obsess over the first playthrough because of the very important first impressions.  I know I will love the game, but I really cannot decide whether or not to make my first character a warrior, a thief, or a mage. I am pretty positive that my pure-mage will be my second playthrough ("Faolan", a Breton). But should I be the Nord warrior "Halvor" or a Khajit thief "J'Dar"? Or maybe something in-between? Any feedback would be much appreciated!


  • Faolan
    Faolan   ·  November 3, 2011
    Thanks everyone!
  • Steven C. Wagner
    Steven C. Wagner   ·  November 3, 2011
    At first this was all I could think about also...however this is what I suggest; just do what comes naturally. If instead of being sneaky(for example), you get to the moment and your just tempted to make a lightning ball death fly at someones face, just d...  more
  • Lav
    Lav   ·  November 2, 2011
    The beauty of the system is you can try out each of the skills, there aren't really any restrictions so you can dabble. Once you find a handful of skills and perks you feel you just NEED to have, then that's what you'll be. I have a group of 10 or so skil...  more
  • Faolan
    Faolan   ·  November 2, 2011
    Great feedback. I'll just enjoy the game and see where it takes me!
  • Pineapple Lord
    Pineapple Lord   ·  November 2, 2011
    I say warrior Nord. I like my first play through to be capable of experiencing as much content as possible-fighting included.
  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 2, 2011
    i for some reason have the urge to make a voodoo witch when i get THE GAME. im thinking redguard my the name of Mamba Momma QuiQui.
  • Kevin
    Kevin   ·  November 2, 2011
    I think this would be better off put in the Q & A section, but I will answer your question to the best of my ability.
    I, personally, will be playing as a Nord Warrior on my first playthrough. I have always loved playing as a Nord and I always pla...  more
  • McNuggle
    McNuggle   ·  November 2, 2011
    I know it is hard but just play.... What you become you become...
  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 2, 2011
    i say the thief. very fun.