Character Backstory- Marek the Marked One and Swims in Caves.

  •  The dark clouds of war hung heavy over Mournhold. Two days ride from Almalexia's city sat the farmstead of Marek of house Indoril and his family. Marek was indispensible to his fathers business. He collected the ingredients and hunted the animals that were the foundation of his fathers potions, poisons and salves. He also loved delving into caves looking for gold, silver and any strange ore. Where Marek went so to did his dog Talos. Talos had saved Marek's hide time and time again.

     The household consisted of Marek, Talos, father and mother and the former slave and shadowscale Swims in Caves. Swims in Caves had bargained his knowledge of poisons for his freedom. He also turned Marek on to the potential riches in caves. He was a trusted member of the family. That was the families biggest mistake. Swims in Caves had been slowly poisoning Marek's parents since he was aquired. Having traded a few minor poison recipies for his freedom didnt stop the poisonings.

     Swims in Caves was part of a group of shadowscale assasins who infiltrated a shipment of argonian slaves headed to Mournhold. Each assasin was given two orders. Poison all but one member of the household. The one spared would be given a mark. A deep cut on the left side of the face. Then they would be told to spread to word to other Dunmer that if they wanted to live they had better flee.

     "Marek can you hear me?" "No dont try to move. You will find you are unable. You have been drugged. I chose you to recieve my mark. You wont thank me today but you will come to realize i saved your life." "Now this is going to hurt."

     Swims in Caves pulled out the sharpest dagger Marek had ever seen. It looked even larger as it got closer and closer to his left eye. The blood felt hot and wet as it poured down his face. Talos saw the dagger in Swims in Caves hand and charged him. They fell in a heap and Talos yelped once, the dagger had struck his heart.

     Swims in Caves came back into view. "Now spread this message to all Dunmer you come across. Flee Morrowind or be hunted down and killed to the last living soul." He walked out of view and that was the last time Marek saw Swims in Caves.

     When he could move again Marek went to Talos and held him tightly. Setting him down he went looking for his parents. He found them. He dug them all graves then applied a salve to his left eye. Eventually it would turn milky white but he did not lose his eyesight. Marek gathered his possesions and placed them on his bed. His longsword, shortsword, his cliff racer skin pack, some food for the road and the best of his fathers potions. Having gathered his things he set the farmstead on fire. He would be damned if the Hist lovers would have his home.

     Finding his people were losing hold of Morrowind he joined the masses fleeing to Skyrim. Upon arrival he started studying the flora and fauna of Skyrim. When Marek came upon a small hamlet he overheard a very interestng rumor. A group calling themselves the Stormcloaks opposed Imperial rule in Skyrim. Having decided he would try and find more information about them he began to leave the hamlet when he saw an argonian pickpocket a merchant. Seeing this crime something snapped within him. He drew his sword and charged. No one in the hamlet had seen the pickpocketing but everyone watched as Marek hacked and hacked at the thief. Guards came and arrested him. There was no trial. The sentence was death.


  • Theodore John Owen
    Theodore John Owen   ·  October 28, 2011
    Second draft is up.
  • Jared Scott
    Jared Scott   ·  October 28, 2011
    You welcome man!
  • Theodore John Owen
    Theodore John Owen   ·  October 28, 2011
    Thanks for the feedback. Consider it a first draft.
  • Jared Scott
    Jared Scott   ·  October 27, 2011
    It's pretty good but you should have put more effort in the end.