Avarius Draco: The Begining

  • Born to relatively affluent parents, Zarin and Asha Draco, Avarius was an only child. His parents loved him dearly and cherished every fleeting moment they had with there son.

    At a young age, Avarius evinced exceptional prowess in stealth can combat. However, his true calling was magic, more specifically the dark arts. His original homeland of Morrowind permitted his to explore and enhance his talents as daedric worship was customary to Dumner culture.

    When worship of the Princes of Oblivion became outlawed, the Draco family had to moved to the Imperial City in the land of Cyrodiil. Although legal, daedric worship was taboo. Because of the family's adherence its tradition of worship, they soon became a social pariah and were forced to move to the outskirts of Bravil.


    One day, in the dark of night, a knock came to the the house of Draco. Asha began to answer the door, when it suddenly burst open. Three figures enshrouded in temple robes entered the home. The center figure spoke,

    "Your family must pay for their treasonous crimes against the Nine."

    Zarin rushed into the room and was met with a life-ending electrical blast. Asha pleaded with the intruded to spare the lives of her and her son. But to no avail, the figures closed in. Asha and Avarius retreated into a corner of the room, as the figures continued to advance.

    Asha, seeking to fight for, her and Avarius's lives, grabbed an antique sword off of the wall. The robed figure on the right stepped to the challege set forth and drew his sword. In its brevity, the battle was fiece. Asha and the intruder matched blow-for-blow, both relentlessly on the offense. Avarius watched fearful for the life of his mother. The end finally came when Asha swung too early. The figure then quickly disarmed Asha. Knocking her to the floor, the figure's blade seemed to scream through the air as it beheaded Asha. Avarius watched horrified as his mother's head rolled on the floor.

    The three figures inched closer and closer to Avarius. The center figure struck with his blade. Avarius narrowly escaped the attack, suffering a gash under his left eye. The intruders cackled and snicked as the encircled Avarius.

    "You unholy denizen of the dark, amy you and your parents forever be tormented by the unforgiving fires of Oblivion."

    As the figures closed in, Avarius summoned the last of his dying strength and released a relentless wave of fire. The spell immediately rendered him unconscious. When Avarius awoke, he found himself surround by an unyielding inferno and the remains of three charred corpses.


  • Phoenix The Fiery
    Phoenix The Fiery   ·  February 17, 2012
    Four likes with only fifteen views! You're on a roll!
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  February 17, 2012
    Nice I really enjoyed that. I like how they slowly but surely got pushed out of acceptance. Some nice juice in the back story for a good journal. Good Work