The Children of the End: The Beast and The Beauty

  •     I saw them again, my parents, I never know why I keep seeing them in my dreams. They always appear in my dreams, I always see the same town, burning to ashes and being raided by dogs that have fire for eyes and men running at incredible speeds that only a god would match. I hear my mother screaming for my father to return and protect us and run together away from this horrific scene of carnage and death, but her cries fall on deaf ears as my father charges into the fray and begin to fight three of these demon like creatures, he would’ve won the fight hadn’t it been for the one demon that was hiding in the shadows, waiting for him to leave and fight the other monsters.

        The monster came up from behind him holding a blade that was dark as the night sky, the monster slowly lifted it and loped my fathers head from his shoulders as if he was made of butter. My mother screamed and spat foul words at this monster for killing her husband, she ran as soon as the monster looked at her, his eyes burning with hate and disgust for such a lowly creature even speaking in his presence, she ran and ran but this vile creature appeared before her and sunk the same blade that killed my father into her belly, the warmth from her was slowly draining from her then the color of her and the blood that was draining was being absorbed into the vile blade as if it devoured the soul and blood of any victim that it so much as scratches.

        As she crumpled to the ground with her still clutching me in her arms, her last words were “I love you.” As her eyes grayed to dull lifeless orbs. At that moment I felt another had grasping me and lifting me into the air, I wailed with my still developing lungs into the face of the vile demon that slaughtered my entire family and people, he looked at me with disgust and said “What a putrid little thing. These Nords always were such Neanderthal creatures, they look all the same to me with their blonde hair and blue eyes and the-” He froze in his sentence looking into my dark emerald colored eyes, he then lifted the hood I wore and saw the black hair that was the color of ravens, as soon as he took in what he saw, he laid me onto a stump that covered in moss.

        I only remembered it cause their was a snail that was crawling toward me, when I looked up to see what was going on I heard a thud and saw the demon scream into the air and looked to where whatever hit him came from and I heard another thud, another scream was let out before the creature disappeared back to the town to gather more men to fight whatever harmed him. Once the demon left a man in a dark hood revealed himself to my sight, I didn’t see his face but all I know was that he saved me from a horrible fate.

        I woke up with a sharp pain to my head and I drew my axe and surveyed the room for whatever woke me, I felt it again and realized that I was fighting the last of the alcohol leaving my body and lost due to the nasty hangover. I looked at the carriage driver and saw that he had his bandages replaced and the color returning to his pig like face, “I guess the healer came in here and did their job while I was sleeping.” Just before I left the room I saw a note on the table next to where I was asleep, I picked it up and saw another thing on my table, it was a bottle, I started to read the note as best I could, “For your soon to be hangover, I gave you a bottle to help clear it up and make you feel better.” The note said.
        “I guess this could be useful if I really did want to take it but I’ll just stick to my mead and I’ll just tuck this thing away for when it might come in handy later, which I doubt would ever come around.” Letting out a loud laugh that reverberated around the room. I open the door to see the barkeep cleaning his floor mumbling to himself and swearing, I looked around the big room and saw that another room was rented out, “Must’ve came here after I got here. I wonder what brought him here.” I thought.

        Just a second after I got done thinking I got another jolt of pain into my skull which made me let out a shout which made the poor barkeep jump and return his thoughts back to reality. He gave me a look that was of shock and curiosity, I told him to pour me a mug of the strongest thing he had. He then poured out a small glass of what he called Dremora’s Blood, “A small glass? What is wrong with you, I asked for mug damn you!” I shouted. He proceeded to try and tell me that more than a small glass would send you spewing all over his now clean floor, I shouted again “Give me a mug or Oblivion take you things will get ugly real fast!” He finally let up and poured a mug of it, I then took the sweet smelling liquor in one go, I felt the pain leave my head and be replaced with a slight lightheadedness.

        The barkeep then pulls out his mop preparing for me to spew it all back up on his nice just cleaned floor, “Put that away I said, I’m fine, now I just need a bit of food and I’ll make up for my shouting at you.” I said as apologetic as I could muster. He hands me a wedge of bread and a couple of eggs that he boiled earlier that morning, he began to say “Well you could start by going outside and chop me some firewood, once your done with that go down to the lake and get some fish for me to stock up on if you and the other three people here don’t want to starve to death.” I proceed to head to the door and just before I walked through the portal I asked him who the other two people were, “Their was an Imperial who got inside the doorway drenched in blood before he fell over unconscious, he’s in the first room there, then theirs the healer that you sent for who is helping the Imperial as we speak.” He finished, I nodded my head and walked through the door to do the chores that the barkeep asked of me to do.

        While I was chopping wood I heard a familiar sound coming from behind me, I turn to see Fen, my arctic fox companion, he would never be a pet but a good friend, I found him out one day while I was hunting for supper, I accidentally caught him in a trap that I laid out, I cut him loose because I never liked the taste of foxes, once he was loose he ran to a fallen log and hide behind it, I yelled to him that I wouldn’t eat him. He popped his head up and looked at me with a cocked head trying to understand what I just said, after he figured it out he followed me back to my camp, he kept a thirty foot distance just in case I changed my mind and wanted to hunt him, I fed him some rabbit that I had and from that day forward he has never stopped being my friend. I sat down and he walked up and I was going to let him take a bite from it and he greedily stole it from my hands and hid behind a snow bank.

        I thought to myself that little thief, “Oh well he will come back again when he wants more.” I laughed, I continued with my labor and got the wood and fish that the barkeep asked for and returned to the door to go and hand the fish over, just then the door swung open and there stood a beauty, I couldn’t believe my eyes and I started to turn red and I nearly passed out until I heard her say “Hi” in such a sweet as honey voice, which knocked me off my feet and out on the ground.