What Can We Expect for the end of Tamriel.

  •      I know this is TheSkyrimBlog and all, but what can we expect for the end of Tamriel.  I will try to explain as quickly, goodly, and as briefly as I can for what I want.

         I hope it will something like all the daedric lords enter the world and try to kill all the divines (gods).  Then the gods bust you out of the gallows to give you another chance as their champion.  As for the beginning you should be on a wagon traveling through all the countries (Cyrodill, Skyrim, Morrowind etc.) when the prisoners you are with tell stories about daedric lords rising. You will be going through one city when you hear the legend, then it cuts to the next town on the next country and continues on like that. The taveling through allt he countries will show you that you can go through all of Tamriel.

         About 20 or so quest for the main quest in each country, and 100-250 side quest in each country. There should be no time limit but oblivion gate that is far more powerful, and better looking will take over large areas and enslave cities.

         At the end when you convince all the countries to go to Skyrim and get on a boat to cross the Sea of Ghosts so mankind can survive (or at least have a chance to survive). The boat will be at least go through Winterhold and 1/4 of the way through Eastmarch. While half Tamriel gets on the huge boat and the other half will stay and fight. You will have to stay and fight, because if you get on you will not be able to play anymore.  Then a few quests (like 5 or 10) later you will fight a army of daedras, just to find all the daedric lords at the back line. You will be scripted (while you control him/her. Like you kill a scripted amount of 100 enemies. You can change the amount down to 20 and up to 180 in game.) You will be able to play after wards as part of a rebellion to resist the daedric lords.

         Just to say this will be the end of Tamriel, but the beginning of a new continent where the falmer are the Snow Elves and the place where the Dwarves fled too.  I know some daedric lords are good people (or can I say good Daedra?) and with this is that they got manipulated to believe that the gods were trying to kill them.  


  • Dale Garrett
    Dale Garrett   ·  January 5, 2012
    @Wil Ya I have a journal that i'm writing ideas in because once i'm out of high school and college i'm moving to Rockville, Maryland to try and join up with the Bethesda crew.
  • wil lowery
    wil lowery   ·  December 31, 2011
    @dale anything is possible, some unknown divine or daedra could probably revive someone to their former self.
  • Dale Garrett
    Dale Garrett   ·  December 28, 2011
    Ya I know it would have tons of bugs and take YEARS to complete. I never finished oblivion to be honest, but they are daedric princes so they might find a way.  It is only a idea that will never happen but I wanted to get everyone's opinion of my idea.
  • Dale Garrett
    Dale Garrett   ·  December 28, 2011
    I added more to the post to clear it up and changed mistakes I saw. Wil it would mean that the guys will have to be a skeleton because Skyrim is 200 years after Oblivion, and my idea will probably take place abou 1000 to 2000 years after it.
  • Dale Garrett
    Dale Garrett   ·  December 28, 2011
    Mason, thanks when I posted it I realized it was horribly written.  Guys the end of Tamriel will open a new continent because they sail across the Sea of Ghosts to discover a new place. When you are riding on the wagon you travel through ONE town then sto...  more
  • Mike W
    Mike W   ·  December 28, 2011
    This reminds of a forum rpg that was started on the old nexus forums back in Morrowinds days.
    Never been into that scenario myself. Remember, not all the Daedra lords are wholly evil conquerers, most are just bored. Each Lord has their own populated...  more
  • wil lowery
    wil lowery   ·  December 27, 2011
    I think it should be like how your going about it BUT, I feel it should start as the champion of Cyrodil being risen from the dead to save tamriel one last time. While fighting against all of the daedric lords or fighting against all the divines (all in t...  more
  • Mason
    Mason   ·  December 27, 2011
    Being in a cart travelling through several continents would be the worst tutorial ever, in Skyrim you 'cart' through one village and i feel like slitting my wrists waiting for it to end.
    The problem with doing a 'Tamriel' version of the elder scroll...  more