Consumed chapter1: part2

  • Suddenly we heard what sounded like a muffled scream coming from ingrid's room INGRID!! I shouted and ran towards her room,What i saw would haunt me for a thousand years,There stood a tall,and thin man in hooded black robes holding ingrid's lifeless body in his arms with his teeth sunken into her neck,at that moment time felt as if it had stopped i was frozen with panick and fear as i stood watching him feed on my kid sister,My father broke me out of this trance when he rushed passed me and threw a piece of garlic at the man "unhand my child you vile demon!" he yelled.Thats when it struck me He was no man,but a creature of the night a Vampire! Who are you to interupt my MEAL MORTAL!! the vampire said in a raspy voice,he then lifted ingrid into the air with one hand and with a flick of his wrist he snapped ingrid's neck like a twig,i immediately dropped to my knees sobbing my entire world came crashing down,the only person i lived for was gone she was the daughter i'd never come to bare. The vampire then proceeded to pummel my father throwing him across ingrid's room several times,and just as he was about to bite down on my fathers neck i heard him make one last plea for his life and those words would echo in my ears for years to come "Wait wait please wait,why ruin the taste in your mouth drinking my blood when you can saver the sweet blood of my eldest daughter take her life in exchange for mine please i beg of you,The vampire seemed to think it over and unhanded him "Since you put it that way you have a deal my good fellow"the vampire said. Thank the divines!! my father screamed and all i could think was why have i been forsaken by my own father,why have the divines foresaken me?