Consumed chapter1:part1

  • They day seemed to drift by slowly,my younger sister ingrid and I spent it cleaning and tending to our crops,while the milk drinker of a nord we called our father spent it pickpocketing the townsfolk in solitude,Our mother nothing but a memory now she was a sweet loving woman undeserving of her fate,Taken in the night by a group of bandits that our father managed to anger after attempting to pickpocket their leader,It was a year ago today,and i still ask myself why would he try such a thing maybe i'll never know. Dusk came and Night began to fall so i got ingrid ready for bed and we said our prayers to akatosh praying he'd one day unite us with our mother in an after life.After ingrid fell fast asleep i made my way towards my room when i heard what seemed like footsteps on the roof of our home!The wood flexed and made a slight sqeak like that of a skeever,When BANG!! our front door flung open,and to my relief it was only father home drunk after drinking at the winking skeever no doubt. He looked at me up and down as if, if i were some harlot and not his daughter,YOU look like twice the woman your mother was now come and give papa a kiss,He said slurring his words with the stench of mead on his breath,Father i'am your daughter not some filthy harlot! i said as tears began to stream down my cheeks,there,there sweet daughter of mine i was only admiring what a beautiful young women you've grown to be