Completely Blue Sky: The Concept of Skyrim

  • There's a new Developer's Diary up on The Elder Scrolls Official Site

    Ray Lederer & Adam Adamowicz

    There's an audio link that you can play, and I suggest that while that's playing, scroll down to the bottom of the page and watch the Flickr slideshow.

    If you so desire, you can hit the Settings button on the slideshow screen and switch to [slow] so the images don't fly by so fast :)


  • Jay
    Jay   ·  October 28, 2011
    @Cameron - Paul posted the video on the SkyrimBlog homepage, so I didn't bother to draw attention to it.
  • Cameron Swarbrick
    Cameron Swarbrick   ·  October 28, 2011
    So, there's a video about halfway down the page; has anyone else watched it? Because it mixes in-game footage with the concept art shown, and there's footage of a Dwemer automaton and a fire-spirit, not to mention a look at what appears to be the inside o...  more
  • Ssarrasum Blackscale
    Ssarrasum Blackscale   ·  October 28, 2011
    Cool audio track, its kewl to know that the artists had the freedom to tell the project director he was wrong.. and have him admit it later that they were right.  Very kewl team
  • Necronblue
    Necronblue   ·  October 28, 2011
    i am amazed with that concept art. its incredible! i really cant wait to see the variety that we'll be given in Skyrim. some people are super talented. to pump those out everyday and not have them be similar is great! we are going to be sucked into this g...  more
  • Jay
    Jay   ·  October 28, 2011
    Yeah, what's so funny about punching an elf in the face?  I guess society has a way of disdaining perfection.  It's probably the contrast between a supremely beautiful being getting it's nose smashed in - there's something satisfying about that to iconocl...  more
  • Krazee Mon
    Krazee Mon   ·  October 28, 2011
    I didn't catch that, but I did catch their joking disdain for elves though.  I like these guys.  ;D
  • Soleiya
    Soleiya   ·  October 28, 2011
    Did anyone else notice the offhand mention of the Falmer?  Didn't get an exact time on it, somewhere after 10:00, I think....