The Magic of Skyrim

  •  In only a few days, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be out, a day for which I have been waiting for years. I've grown up with videogames, especially Elder Scrolls, from watching my cousin play Daggerfall when I was younger, to closing to gates of Oblivion five years ago. The games have definitely grown and matured as I've gotten older and I love the direction Bethesda is going, and the hard work they put into all of their games. One thing I've noticed over the past year, while waiting on forums, blogs, Youtube, and the like, I've noticed that Skyrim is reaching to a bigger audience than any previous Elder Scrolls title.

       Bethesda has brought together fans from all over the world with a common interest in fantasy and epic story telling. I've seen people from all over the world throw their political ideaologies aside and have fun talking amongst eachother as fans of The Elder Scrolls. People from all over just discussing things in a mature and dignified matter, now THAT is truly magic. I think I speak for most of you when I say, I hope it doesn't take another 5 years before we're back here, waiting for the next chapter in The Elder Scrolls.


  • Mark Dunn
    Mark Dunn   ·  November 9, 2011
    In a world of debt, war and poverty, everyone needs a little escapism.
  • anthony
    anthony   ·  November 9, 2011
    same here, but i hope they go through each land in tamriel, then one day when they finish that maybe an mmorpg.. just a thought, but not that click crap, jsut good ol TES combat system.