Greetings, Introductions and Other Polite Courtesies

  • Meet Tai, my Skyrim character. That is in fact her full name, Tai. Sometime back when she was fresh from the Bosmer womb she’d recently popped out of, still crawling between the branches of Valenwood forest....she had a longer name. Tai has become short for something, though that something has been lost behind her, somewhere within her meagre 27 years on the flat, green, planet that serves as her home. If you were to ask her about her full name, you would get no joy. It is questionable as to whether she herself can pull the memory from her dubious past. Perhaps she was dropped on her sweet chestnut head as a babe? Perhaps it is short for something quiet embarrassing like...Tailette-Boul, or Tainaytits, or TaichykenCurry.........anyway, I digress.


    Tai is, as you have no doubt guessed, a wood elf. She lives amongst her own chosen family, not those whose blood she shares. Life, turmoil and a hatred of the Thalmor drove her to seek out a fabled whisper amongst the Bosmeri folk. A silent rebellion, a force that moves through the trees with a stillness not even the lightest of  breeze could emulate....targeting political figures with the pointy bits of arrows or the stabby bits of blades. Their purpose? To eradicate those within the Aldremi Dominion who seek to threaten, repress or control the Bosmer way of life. They have a tendency to select their victims without much prejudice, generalising their notion of 'scum' to mean 'all Thalmor'. Which actually, when you think about it, is really quite prejudice indeed.


    She a feisty little elf. Very little in fact - for a woman. She's got curves in the right places and a honeyed tongue to match her 'easy on the eye' appearance. She likes to get giddy, to laugh louder than she should, to curse under her breath and she is always the first to dribble into the corpse of the enemy that she and her brethren are ceremonially feasting upon.. She has quite a temper when her still waters are disturbed, she gets angry, she gets drunk, she gets hormonal and she has a secret fetish for hairy chested men.


    Though despite her many flaws, she is generally a pretty decent lass and she always gets a round in when it’s her turn to pay.


    But all you guys really need to know, is that she's Bosmer, she's in a tree, and the proverbial shit is about to hit the equally proverbial fan.



  • PedestrianCarrot
    PedestrianCarrot   ·  August 22, 2012
    Thanks for the comments guys, a lovely welcome so far and so much to read I still can't seem to settle on a tale! Looking forward to more reading, writing and some general creative natter!
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 21, 2012
    I think maybe I'll give this a whirl...
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  August 21, 2012
    You are telling this story with a very unique tone, something that I cannot recall if it has been done here.  It is a really nice character sketch...I look forward seeing her in action!
    Welcome to the blog, by the way!