Sendai's journal - Sundas 17th of last seed 4E

  • Sendai's journal
    Sundas 17th of last seed 4E.


    Markarth... The city is corrupted to the core. People killed on the streets in broad daylight. Guards with obviously hidden intent. I should probably stay uninvolved for the time beeing. Nevertheless I have a simple job planned for this evening that requires my attention. Break into a guarded forsworn post known as "Broken Tower Redoubt" and retreive some merchant's priceless trinket and leave as quiet as possible.


  • Robert Andersson
    Robert Andersson   ·  August 23, 2012
    I will indeed! =)
    And Robin, what's wrong with steeds huh? ;D
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  August 21, 2012
    Markarth is certainly a tough introduction to Skyrim...not sure what city would be a better one, though...hmmm....
    Feel free to add more, as we have a lot of avid readers on the site!
  • Robin Westerbeeke
    Robin Westerbeeke   ·  August 21, 2012
    Its Last Seed, not Steed