Sigurd's Saga, part ten: Into the barrow

  • Bleak Falls Barrow. A tomb of the ancients. A tomb of my brothers. Ransacked by bandits. As I made my up to the ancient fortress, Two lowlifes accosted me at a crumbling watchtower, standing tall in the snow. The poor fools drew steel and charged with disregard to their own safety, hoping to scare me into a mistake. They were mistaken.  With a single blow, I relieved the man of his head, while his Bosmer compatriot drew a crude knife and advanced, just in time for my second blow to split him from shoulder to spleen.  Following the stone markers left by bygone adventurers I made my way to the old structure, dispatching the unfortunate grave robbers. To my dismay I noticed the seals of protection around the massive iron gates were broken, pushing them open, I lit my torch and headed into the barrow. 

    "What if he doesn't come back?" "Don't worry, he has no where to go but back up, so shut up and check the door again!"  two figures were positioned in front of a large fire, which upon further inspection was revealed to be lit with the wraps of the dead. Had these fools no respect for the dead?  Drawing my bow, I knocked a newly forged arrow and sighted down the shaft, at the larger of the two, his companion stared in shock as the burly thug crashed to the ground, a black shaft protruding from his throat, however, the second arrow ended her shock, and I made my way down the hall.

    Thankfully the grave robbers hadn't broken into the urns lining the walls, indeed there was no sign of them farther down, save a pair of skeevers, who fled at the cold iron blade.  Presently I came to an archway blocked by spiderwebs, clearing them, I saw a sight that I still shudder to this day.  A spider, of gargantuan proportions oozed its way down from a hole, behind me, blocking my escape, its eyes glaring menacingly, with a roar I charged the thing, rolling under the pincers and spinning my axe in a low swoop, severing four of its limbs, immobilized, it thrashed and spat as my axe hewed it again and again, finally, the creature was no more. "You there! you killed it! now get me down!" a slender elf was trapped in a doorway, the one leading down further in.  "Elves like you have no business in the tombs of nords." I stated. He wasn't much resistance for my axe, as I opened the doorway.  Walking down the steps, there were rows of warriors from a forgotten age, sleeping peacefully in their nooks, but as soon as I entered their room, four of their number slowly rose from their beds and drew their ancient blades. "Dir volaan!"one of the warriors grunted as the lead wight raised his rusted sword for the kill, my blade bit deep into his side, cold iron rending the dried tissue apart, his comrades leaned forward, grimacing in pain at the effort it took to move, I could hear their bones grinding together as they stumbled closer.  Dispatching two with my axe, the last one, a large brute wielding a greatsword cast my axe to the floor, knocking me down with it, "Sovngarde Saraan!" he whispered in triumph as his sword plunged into my chest.


  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  October 13, 2012
    Still one of my favorites on this here bloggy cite.
  • Jake Dassel
    Jake Dassel   ·  October 4, 2012
    Thanks, I remember a lot of little details in skyrim, especially phrases and random events. (stupid fugitive...getting me killed by a bear...)
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  October 4, 2012
    I do like the touch of dragon language, Jake, and I just checked it out.  I am impressed that you remember what the draugrs utter...I always think they are clearing their throats of cobwebs when they speak!  
  • Jake Dassel
    Jake Dassel   ·  October 4, 2012
    I wasn't sure if anyone was going to look up draugr phrases, so I added ones they actually utter, there's a pretty good translation on the skyrim wikia, if you were curious. 
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  October 3, 2012
    Whew, Jake, that is a cliffhanger of an ending!  I can imagine Sigurd understands what they are saying, since most of our heroes do not.  Please keep on rolling with these!