Autobiography and Selected Essays of Laurent Prevot

  • Autobiography and Selected Essays

     Laurent Prevot




                 In the absence of physical necessity or scholastic responsibility I at last have an opportunity to compile some of my scholarly writings — along with a brief autobiography — into book form. These writings span the course of a decade and include bits and pieces of my ongoing research in the wild Nord lands of Skyrim. I am presently studying at the College of Winterhold in northern Skyrim, focusing my attentions on the literature found within the school’s halls, improving my skills in magic and researching sundry artifacts recovered during my travels. I am an archeologist* by trade and this ancient land provides boundless amounts of information for research. Skyrim is an unfamiliar land rife with danger, but absolutely resplendent with natural beauty. The flora and fauna of this land are as diverse as I have ever seen. Beautiful rivers full of spawning salmon pass through gorges and into vast plains. The plains give way to vigorous forests teeming with wildlife and alchemical ingredients of many kinds. One is never far from a mountain vista and tall peaks seem to frame every image in Skyrim. The proud Nords have vast, cavernous tombs filled with profound magical artifacts, intricately crafted pottery, and unique sarcophagi. There is no shortage of tombs to be found in the seven holds of Skyrim and they are wonderful and unique parts of this land’s extensive lore. Though the procurement and study of artifacts is my life’s work, it is only a small part of what my cultural enquiry requires. Reading is a crucial part of my work and there must be thousands of volumes worth of information written about Skyrim. There are books about Skyrim’s myths and legends, its artifacts, its customs and creeds and its military traditions and leaders; equally as voluminous are the tales of love, deceit and tragedy that have befallen long-dead heroes and common folk alike. I study the Nordic architecture and its multidisciplinary techniques. I am interested in the political, philosophical and religious beliefs of the Nords. One of my favorite research topics is cuisine because, as everyone knows, we Bretons are serious about food. In sum, studying a culture is a multilayered affair, involving a keen understanding of all the parts that make up a people, a nation. Skyrim is the perfect place to discover and unravel mysteries beyond compare.

                Within the pages of this work, I hope you discover many new and interesting ideas and learn important information about culture, but most importantly, I hope you are both entertained and enlightened.

    Laurent Prevot    

    Middas, 26th of Last Seed, 4E 201

    College of Winterhold, Skyrim



    *(See Imperial Report on Saarthal by Heseph Chirirnis for more archeological reports).