The Story of Tralan the Redguard

  •      My name is Tralan, I am a Redguard.I work for the Imperial Legion fighting to stop the rebel forces in Skyrim. My small but strong squad force and I were on the front lines of every battle in Skyrim. As the civil war was coming to an end most of the Imperial forces gathered around Windhelm to take it, and kill Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion. But as we were about to charge the gates a storm of arrows rained down on us. Our commander, General Tullius,  yelled for us to raise our shields. The arrows were coming down too fast for about half the men and they fell. Now we had my squad and about a hundred other men against the majority of the Stormcloak army. We moved towards the gates with our shields raised high, deflecting the arrows. Then when we were about twenty feet from the gate, they charged.

         Hundreds of Stormcloaks came charging out at us followed by packs of animals. Then Ulfric Stormcloak walked onto the top of a building were everyone could see him. "General Tullius, he started, surrender now and I shall have mercy on you and your troops". The General answered back, "We will never surrender to you Ulfric we will end this war right here right now!". "Is there any cowards who would like to run away from this fight?", Ulfric asked with a smirk on his face. Most of the men answered by banging their shield with their swords and axes. My squad and I replied by pulling our bows and firing some arrows at Ulfric. They missed but Ulfric looked scared when the arrows hit the guards behind him. Then Tullius yelled, "Squad One, being me and my men, Storm that building!". Then all Oblivion broke loose.

         My squad and I charged the building blocking arrows with our shields, while the rest of the forces attacked the gates. I knew why Tullius told us to storm the building. He wanted us to capture Ulfric and hold him hostage so the fighting will stop then we make the Stormcloaks surrender and kill him. When we were about fifty feet from the building a Stormcloak squad about our size blocked our path. We charged into them with our shields in front of us, a tactic we learned in training. They fell the we stomped on them and stabbed them quickly with our swords, we continued charging. When we got to the top of the building we saw Ulfric with his war axe out ready to fight. "Ulfric, I began, Put down your weapon and there will be no harm done to you". Of course I lied because he wouldn't of put his weapon down and surrendered. He put his weapon down and we captured him.

         Stop fighting or your leader dies Stormcloaks!", I yelled. The Stormcloaks stopped fighting and surrendered. Tullius came up to the building and he gave his sword to me. "Kill him with my sword Tralan you deserve the honor". I thanked him and raised the sword high above his head ready to swing. Just then a Stormcloak pulled out a bow and fired an arrow. About mid-swing the arrow hit me in my right side and I fell struggling for air. My squad pulled their bows and shot the solider with about ten arrows, he fell. Tullius and my squad were over me screaming for something, I couldn't hear them. My vision began to fade and I blacked out.


  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 8, 2012
    Don't fret. Rewriting it might feel like your losing the freshness but like anything, it just gets better when you do something a second time.
  • Arike The Redguard
    Arike The Redguard   ·  August 8, 2012
    well this was just to see if anybody would like it that much im working on another one but it recently got deleted
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 7, 2012
    So, what happens next?
  • Arike The Redguard
    Arike The Redguard   ·  August 2, 2012
    Hey I haven't written in awhile so I hope you like this if not I have another, possibly better, idea so don't forget to comment!