Journal of Ashane: Entry 4

  • It truly is staggering what a lack of discipline, and an overabundance of superstition can cause on the battlefield.

    I began my assault in the predawn hours of morning, hoping to catch them by surprise and partially neutralize their superior numbers, though I failed to account for how much attention spewing fire in the night can bring you... Fortunately it actually worked in my favor, as this group of bandits had no idea how to properly engage an armored mage, much less one with a sword as well! Ultimately their fear of fire and death, combined with their lack of discipline and resolve to see the fight through to the end ensured I was able to rout the entire encampment of the vile bandits, only minor dents in my armor to show for their efforts at stopping me. Upon my return to Solitude, I was met with the opportunity I came for, the chance to join the legion and do my duty for the empire! However, due to the unique nature of my skills, and my admirable performance, they decided they would not relegate me to a legion, that instead they would use me as a shock trooper of sorts, and have me shore up defenses when necessary and attack the enemy where they are weakest when it is not.

    They are currently staging an attack, the logistics and mustering of the troops will take time, I am on call, but have been given free reign for a few days to enjoy myself. For the first time since I came to this land, I believe I shall!


  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  October 13, 2012
    I like these but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop reading your entries shortly. I haven't done either of the civil war quest lines yet and I have no intention of ruining Bethesda's stories or my future enjoyment of the game.
    As short as these ar...  more
  • Nathan Rybnik
    Nathan Rybnik   ·  October 9, 2012
    Thanks for the praise, as far as his tone, I tried to give him a vaguely cynical, yet overanalyzing feel, glad you are enjoying them!
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  October 7, 2012
    Ashane has a very nice sense of humor, not over the top or completely sarcastic, but one that is a little subtle, a little ironic...someone it would be nice to sit down to dinner with.  I am very curious to find out what he does to occupy his free time!more