The Prophet 9: Counsel

  • I give up. My new nemesis is a chatty madman, and Serana remains gone. And my hometown has been taken by mercenaries masquerading as revolutionaries. I didn't like the real revolutionaries. 

    "Durnehviir," I say. "I need your help."

    "For the one who freed me from the Ideal Masters," he says, throwing a passing glance at the terrified carriageman, "there is no service too great."

    "Well, you might be rethinking that in a moment, but--" I see his gaze suddenly focus on something behind me, and I turn.

    It turns out Fai'mar's back. I tell him it doesn't speak well for his tracking skills that I found the Favored before he got back to me, but he has an explanation: he followed the Ironline into Blackreach, where they made their deal with the Favored, and then followed them again, back up to Windhelm. 

    "Did you see Serana?" I ask. "Any sign of her?"

    He shakes his head, and I'm disappointed, but he might still be useful. Durnehviir grows tired of our conversation, though, so I tell him to meet me at the Throat of the World. Thieves and Khajit are all well and good, but I'm done playing cautious--I have powerful allies and I aim to use them. 

    "You have returned again, Dragonborn," Paarthurnax says, eyeing me with that same look he always has. I don't care for it; it reminds me of Alduin's gaze. "Have you so quickly forgotten my last missive to you?"

    "I know you said you won't help me, and I'm not asking for that. I just want your wisdom."

    "It is good you recognize the wisdom of the dov."

    "Yeah. That's why I brought a few of them," I say, as Durnehviir quits circling above and touches down.

    Paarthurnax stares at the new arrival. "Durnehviir. I had thought you lost to the Cairn forever. Is it out of debt that you serve this young one, or respect?"

    "I have not yet discerned the difference. But I am pleased to see not all of us were so taken by Alduin that the world should no more know our kind."

    I'm about to speak when I hear another voice thundering from the sky. "Well met, my poorly brother!" Odahviing says, so loudly I'm sure they're getting this in Solitude. "Did your love for the undead persuade you to become one of them?"

    I'm tempted to point out that Odahviing was, until recently, also dead. Fai'mar, meanwhile, is drawing circles in the snow, remarkably nonplussed by all these goings on. I mention it and he shrugs, telling me that Skyrim is a strange place but Elsweyr is stranger. Our lack of sloads inclines me to agree.

    "So I've brought you all here," I say, "because I want to kill the Favored and get my wife back. But I don't know how to do that, and I'm hoping between the three of you, you have some ideas."

    "I have considered your situation for the better part of a day," Paarthurnax says, "and the answer is clear."

    "Well, that was fast," I say. "I thought you weren't going to help me."

    "As you noted just now. But my mind does not rest, and if I can guide you...young ones," he says, casting his gaze at the other two dragons, "then I may forestall any greater chaos you might bring to this land." He nods. "Yes, you must attack the Favored directly. Treat him as any other enemy. Treat him as you did Alduin."

    Odahviing laughs. "And do you intend the death of the Dragonborn's mate, Paarthurnax?"

    "Serana is in this world," Durnehviir says.

    I look at him. "How do you know that?"

    "I would know if she were in the Soul Cairn, and anyone who knows your power, as this Favored does, would not keep her in the plains of Oblivion."

    Paarthurnax nods again. "Indeed. Beyond standing guard over her personally, there is little one could do to keep you from entering Oblivion yourself to rescue her. More likely, though, she would become subject to the depredations of those daedra seeking to spite Molag Bal. She is in this world, and I suspect very close to your enemy, where he can keep an eye on her."

    "But why do you counsel an attack, Paarthurnax?" Durnehviir asks.

    "Until the Dragonborn knows exactly the location of his mate, he cannot rescue her. But if he attacks the Favored, and forces his hand, the Favored must reveal Serana's location. He will not kill her in secret or without preamble."

    I nod. "That makes sense, but it would help if I knew more about him to begin with. In our meeting, he only babbled about Elder Scrolls, and futures. He seems to resent me for being Dragonborn, because we're immune to prophecy."

    Paarthurnax lets out a long, hoarse breath. "It is surprising that one so fixated on the Scrolls should be ignorant of their nature. Dragons are not free of the Scrolls, no. By merit of our age, we are present in most, if not all futures. That makes predicting our fates very difficult, but not impossible."

    "But he must have some knowledge of the future. He's been one step ahead of me this entire time, perfectly."

    "His knowledge," Durnehviir says, "may be imperfect, contrary to what he implies. He took the Dragon Scroll from you, no doubt hoping it would concern your fate."

    "Fai'mar has wondered on that point."

    The four of us look at the Khajit in surprise. I had forgotten he was there. He looks surprised. "In following the Favored and his party, Fai'mar has learned that the Favored is quite blind."

    "Well," I say, remembering the blank eyes behind that mask. "He's certainly not going to read the Scroll, then."

    "Will he seek a moth priest, perhaps?" Odahviing asks.

    "He intentionally killed the one living at Volkihar. He must have--" I stop. "Of course. He's going to the Ancestor Glade."

    Fai'mar looks at me. "The Dragonborn speaks of a glade, and Fai'mar is intrigued. He suggests that one might go to this place and lie in wait."

    I nod. "Good thinking. We will do that. Now, Odahviing, the other reason I brought you here..."

    "I expect the Dragonborn again requires me to be his carriage."

    I roll my eyes. "No. I need you to keep an eye on Windhelm.

    Do not let the Ironline leave. And if the Imperials come to reclaim the city, don't let them. I don't mean set to killing everyone, but let no one across that bridge. The Favored is mine. And Durnehviir, I know you cannot remain in Tamriel for long, but I will have need of you again, rest assured."

    "As long as this air is sweet to breathe," Durnehviir says, "I shall look forward to these occasions. Farewell."

    After the two dragons leave, I turn my attention back to Paarthurnax. "Thank you again for your wisdom, brother. May I ask one last favor of you? I can't risk the Favored reaching the grove before me. I know he hasn't been there yet, since Fai'mar has had his eyes on him for days, but he will surely leave soon. I won't ask you to take me there, but if if there are any of the dov nearby who would heed your summons..."

    "That you may bind them to your will. I see Miraak was not alone in his studies."

    "I meant no offense."

    "There is none to give. I owe nothing to those that serve Alduin, but they may find my summons curious enough to answer." There's a short spurt of flame from his nostrils, and then he shouts a name I've not heard. "He will come," Paarthurnax says. "I wish you fortune in your endeavor, for Tamriel's sake if not the dov's."

    The dragon arrives in minutes, and I subdue him with my Thu'um. He lands promptly, rousing Fai'mar to his feet. The Khajit nudges me as I prepare to climb abord."Fai'mar hopes the Dragonborn does not expect him to fly atop a dragon. They lack certain amenities found aboard Elsweyr's airships...guardrails, in particular."

    "Then follow on foot. If you see the Favored on your way to the grove, let him pass."

    "Intending that the Dragonborn should claim the Favored for himself, yes," Fai'mar muses. "Fai'mar will make no promises not to kill his prey should an opportunity present itself, but Fai'mar also understands that his prey is quite dangerous."

    "Great," I say, motioning for the dragon to take off. "I'll see you there."

    Moments later, we're riding the cold air sliding off the mountain, down toward Falkreath. With this development, I realize, I'm not just again armed with a plan. For the first time, I'm a step ahead of the Favored. This could actually work.


  • jose
    jose   ·  February 25, 2014
    The dragon in the last pict must be shouting:

    "Watch out! Badass incoming!"

    This one is my favorite argonian.
  • AtlasGecko
    AtlasGecko   ·  February 22, 2014
    Brilliant, I'll be sure to read it. You're actually the one who inspired me to make an account here, along with Saryn, so I could post my own builds as well as, most importantly, get my own little story going. It's actually also about an Argonian from Ham...  more
  • Clement Bilhorn
    Clement Bilhorn   ·  February 18, 2014
    Hey, great to hear it; love the feedback as always. New episode this weekend, barring any unforeseen catastrophe.
  • AtlasGecko
    AtlasGecko   ·  February 17, 2014
    Hey, Clement. Just wanted to say that the Dockworker is my absolute favourite series on this entire blog. I only made an account recently, but I've been reading your updates since about 2012. Thought I'd let you know that there are many, many people who s...  more