The Dockworker 31: Dirty People

  • I arrive at the Legion's camp near Riften. Rikke's a tad busy, so I fiddle with one of the camp's warhorns. Unsuccessfully, of course, as lizards do not exactly "blow".

    Rikke gives me my new orders for taking Riften, and it involves getting information from someone in the jarl's court. So it's a blackmail deal--I sneak in, find dirt on the person--in Riften? That's easy!--and then squeeze them into giving me what I want.

    I tell Rikke not to worry. She's just hired the leader of the Thieves' Guild to come up with dirt on people who work for the Guild, in the Guild's home base. This will be easy.

    I suppose I might as well make myself a tad sneakier, though...

    It's been a long time since I last wore this uniform. Maybe I'm just doing it for the nostalgia...lizards don't exactly look like Noses, no matter what they're wearing.

    And on the road to Riften, I see something rather odd. Unprecedented, in fact.
    It's a dragon that died before I got there.

    I don't think these two are responsible...

    I mean, what, did he get hit while crossing the road?

    While passing by this odd scene, I discover that I've picked up a hitchhiker. 

    He's kind of fwuffy, but that only makes it worse--if this dog keeps following me around, he's going to get killed eventually. I know how these things work. Horsey gets magicked, the tree-loving hippie wanderer got buried by skeevers, and this dog will probably get kicked off a cliff or run over by a wagon.

    Fortunately, he's obedient to a fault. I tell him to stay outside Riften, and then I leave him. He'll do fine. He killed a wolf, after all. And maybe a dragon.

    When I enter the jarl's court, though, I realize that my silly disguise really isn't all that important--the guards still won't let me through. So I become invisible. That's always easier.

    I go to the blackmailing target's room and find her asleep on her bed. I suppose there's no reason I can't just wake her up and interrogate her, but I go ahead and find the incriminating evidence against her anyways.

    And then I wake her up and interrogate her. But not after getting something else, first. 

    She's quite productive, giving me information that I'm sure will make Rikke happy. I consider that it's a bit odd infiltrating what's basically my city to help someone else invade it, but the Legion's administration seems to make people richer--Solitude's a gem. 

    So if I can be the Guild leader in a rich city, all the better.