The Mormont Account --1

  • The story so far...

    My name is Mormont. I've been a wanderer in the lands of Tamriel for many a year. And the majority of those have been spent in the confines of Cyrodill and under the lock and collar of Imperial order. My story so far has been a long journey (for that atleast I can be thankful) but altogether a forgettable one.

    During my early years, I joined the mage's guild in the Imperial City, there I practised the arcane arts for which I seemed to have an aptitude for. However within a year I realised that the mages there were naught but a bunch of self-important scholars who had little or no influence on the comings and goings of the Imperial City, let alone Tamriel. Despite my reservations, I stayed on with the guild for over a decade, eventually learning to enjoy the quiet tranquillity of studying whilst dreaming of a life beyond the walls of the Imperial City.

    Towards the final years of my intellectual endeavours I became more and more restless. Why the sudden change you might wonder? Quite simply I was beginning to feel age creep up on me. Superficial as it may seem; my thinning hair had made me realise I didn't want my life to wither away in front of books. I craved adventure, and a new perspective on life. So I left the guild and became a sellsword, a thug-for-hire.

    For years I was a bodyguard, a highwayman, a sailor, and once I even enlisted as a vampire hunter. Despite being shunned by the fighter's guild multiple times for my proficiency in the arcane arts for which they held a great disdain, it was my unique skill set of arcane destruction and physical prowess which meant that I was never short of a job. However during this time that I often came into contention with the law. 

    After a particularly long jail sentence in Bruma for my involvement in the skooma trade, I decided to start my life afresh in Skyrim, my ancestral homeland. By this time I was no longer a young man, the grey hairs and baldness at the crown of my head were a testament to that. However my mind and body had yet to fail me, I could still carry my weight in heavy armour and stolen loot, and my sword arm hadn't deadened yet. Even still I knew that my youthfulness was fleeting. And so it was that I made the long journey north through the Jerall Mountains by the Pale Pass to the land of the free Nords.


  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  October 21, 2012
    Curious to find out more about this character...he seems intelligent and capable, but his craving for adventure seems to get him into trouble, too, despite his learned background.  I always appreciate reading the perspective of someone who is getting alon...  more
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  October 18, 2012
    You say Momont, I read Belmont in my head. Either way, nice intro. You will write more yes?
  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  October 15, 2012
    Ah, a new series to read, I look forward to future entries, Jonathan :)