Becoming a Thane and Owning Property

  • Recent info from the blurb of the Skyrim strategy guide revealed that you can become a Thane and own property.         "Large map Poster inside
    Labeled with important locations, major roads, and hold capitals

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    Followers and Friends
    Build your friendships across Skyrim and locate every Follower with information inside this guide. Become a Thane. Own property. Marry your favorite Housecarl. Details inside.

    Massive and Complete Index"


    I have always had some interest in being a sort of lord in TES games.  I liked the Fighter's Stronghold DLC because you could become the lord of a castle.

    Now, in Skyrim, it seems we can become a Thane.  I was rather curious about this when I first read it, because I was not certain what a Thane was.  But then I did some research and came up with these definitions of Thane.

    "1: a free retainer of an Anglo-Saxon lord; especially : one resembling a feudal baron by holding lands of and performing military service for the king
    2: a Scottish feudal lord"
    But, how will you get your title of Thane?  My theory is that you become Thane by participating in the civil war, whether you fight for the Empire or the Stormcloaks.  If you fight for the Empire, you will likely be given land by the Imperial General.  If you fight for the Stormcloaks, you will receive the title from Ulfric Stormcloak himself.  Again, this is only a theory of mine.
    But, what does this mean, becoming Thane?  Will we receive our own village to rule over and protect?  Will we get a lush castle of our own?
    Will there be any gameplay associated with being Thane?  Can we collect taxes?  Will there be any quests involved, protecting villagers from marauders and dragons?
    What are your ideas of how being a Thane will work in Skyrim?  Will it just be a sort of end victory of a questline?  Will it just be some trophy, or will there be some cool things we can do as a Thane?  Is this a feature you find cool?



  • Decay
    Decay   ·  October 30, 2011
    Yea thane does sound cooler ten lord, although lord and thane are not the same thing ; ) At any rate, I do hope that it will be more than a ''trophy'' thing. Meaning that you'll have to take care of this piece of land.
    Although since there are sever...  more
  • Madison Jade
    Madison Jade   ·  October 30, 2011
    Actually a Thane can simply just be a owner of a large amount of land granted too them. heres some definitions.
    thane |θān|
    (in Anglo-Saxon England) a man who held land granted by the king or by a military noblema...  more
  • Logan Calhoun
    Logan Calhoun   ·  October 30, 2011
    Probably you do a very big job for a Jarl of maybe multiple Jarls and maybe they give you property and that title
  • Kyle Richardson
    Kyle Richardson   ·  October 30, 2011
  • Krazee Mon
    Krazee Mon   ·  October 30, 2011
    I hadn't heard about this before... I think this might change my initial play-through strategy.  Perhaps now I'll just start the main quest to get some dragons spawning, then go join the fight to liberate the homeland from those vile Imperials and become ...  more
  • Dormin
    Dormin   ·  October 30, 2011
    @Nexus yup I'll honestly never pick up Fable 3 again, it was an even bigger disappointment than Fable 2, and yes "Thane" is so much more awesome than lord or even Baron. It's a title that speaks of immense Strength and leadership, and that your ruler has ...  more
  • Mike
    Mike   ·  October 30, 2011
    Yes Nexus, I do agree.  Thane is a bit more original also, it seems.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  October 30, 2011
    I hope that there will be many things we can do as a Thane.  I would like to see quests associated with your lands.  Also I hope we can set taxes,  create laws,  recruit soldiers, improve/construct buildings, build/improve roads, and many other things.  I...  more
  • The Nexus
    The Nexus   ·  October 30, 2011
    Ah yes, this we heard about a while ago. As long as it's nothing like the putrid, infested mess that is failble 2-3, I'm happy. 
    Besides, they chose a badass title. "Thane" just sounds ten times cooler than "lord" doesn't it?