Amber's Note (part three)

  • Bard “So this is where we will be sleeping?” Mairenn asked happily while stroking the thick material which lay on the bed. “Sleeping, eating and writing, in fact everything.” Amber answered. “Amber this is the best news; I can’t tell you how grateful I am. What ever you need I’ll...” Amber turned from her writing desk and looked straight at Mairenn who was still sitting on the large bed. “Mairenn let me get one thing straight with you. I asked Lord Marshman if you could be my maid only to get you out of that damp cottage. I couldn’t bare the thought of me being in here and you sleeping in there. You are my friend not my maid. If I wish for logs to be put on to the fire I will do it myself. Never think that you are a different level to me just because I’m now a bard and once I find out what a bard actually does my level will still be the same as you.” “Very well Amber.” Mairenn smiled. “Now help me search this room to find clues on what a bard does.” Amber laughed. A number of days and nights past by the castle and Amber didn’t leave her chambers. Every story or tale that was told to her was now written on parchment or paper. Even though Amber didn’t want Mairenn to be her maid her good friend still made sure she was warm and fed. Amber saw it as kindness instead of duty so said nothing. As the day continued it began to feel as though it was going to go the same way it had yesterday and the day before but today there was a light knock at their chamber’s door. Mairenn and Amber both looked at each other without saying a word. The light knocking continued. “I’ll answer it.” Mairenn whispered. She walked over to the door and slowly opened it. A young maid stood looking very frightened. Mairenn stared at the young girl not knowing what she should say. The young girl began to look even more uncomfortable and looked about the room while standing still. “What is it?” Amber asked. The girl looked at Amber not saying a word. Amber asked again. “What do you want?” “L- Lord M- M- Marshman wishes to see you.” The young girl stuttered. “So why not say that straight away?” Mairenn added. “Come in child and help yourself to some fruit.” Amber kindly said while pointing to the fruit bowl on the night stand then turned to Mairenn and asked. “Could you wait here with the girl as I will be back shortly?” Mairenn looked at Amber with worried eyes as Amber left the room. Amber gently tapped on Lord Marshman huge door and waited for a reply. It wasn’t long before she got one. Lord Marshman appeared at the door wearing a smart clothed shirt. His trousers tightly tucked inside his leather boots. “Just let me get my…” “More layers?” Amber interrupted before he could finish his sentence. “Yes this castle can be quite cold.” “Why not wear just one item of clothing?” Amber asked still confused. “Because it is cold today.” “Then wear just one warm item.” “Amber what do you care… wait a minute does this mean your only wearing that one tunic with nothing underneath?” “Yes Sir.” Lord Marshman began to smile at his male adult mind wondering freely. “Walk with me Amber.” They walked together in silence at first until Amber couldn’t stand the not knowing what he wanted. As they got through the third passage way which over looked the court yard Amber stopped still and turned to face her master. “What is it you want Sir?” The cold air whistled and blew around them but only Lord Marshman shivered. Lord Marshman took a deep breath and began to speak. “One of my men tell me that you have been trying to reach someone outside these castle grounds. If you are plotting against me or for what ever reason I wish to know now. I have given you no reason to...” “Sir, I sent a letter to a friend to pass on a message of my husband’s death.” Amber tried to hold back her tears. She didn’t know if they were tears of fear because what Lord Marshman would now do to her or tears of disappointment because River didn’t get the note. In any case Lord Marshman saw the tears as tears coming from a grieving widow. Now he had no idea what to do. “Amber you are not a prisoner here. How you got treated before coming here is no fault of mine. I buy people for work.” “Slaves, but remember slaves weren’t born slaves.” “I’m not going to discuss politics with you.” “Because I am a slave.” “Because you are a woman.” They both said nothing for a moment. Amber leant over the stone castle wall and watched the people in the court yard go about their day. Lord Marshman watched Amber closely and then continued to speak. “If you wish to go then go I will give you what ever you need for your journey home. That applies the same for your friend or maid too.” “And if I wish to stay?” Amber asked gently still leaning over the wall and not facing him. “Then you only need to ask and it will be granted. All I ask is for your trust and honestly in return.” Amber backed away from the wall and stood face to face to Lord Marshman. “Thank you Sir, I’m sorry for not trusting you.” Lord Marshman slowly smiled back at Amber showing his aged face and handed her Rivers note. “Here this was found in one of my carriages.” Amber returned to her chambers where Mairenn was waiting and threw the note on to the bed. The young girl was no longer there. “Well?” Mairenn asked still looking worried. “Well we are free to go or free to stay here.” Amber said looking out of her window towards the sea. “That’s good news isn’t it?” Mairenn asked while studying the note. “What is this?” Amber turned and looked at Mairenn holding Rivers note. “That was a note I sent out to my friend River telling him I was alive and that my husband is not. I stupidly trusted a carriage driver thinking if I gave him coin he would pass the note on. It’s only now when I’m saying the story to you I’m realising that it was a complete fantasy.” “If you sent it to this person named River then why is this note addressed to Amber?” “What?” Amber rushed over to Mairenn and grabbed the note. “This isn’t the note I have written this note is from River.”


  • Annette Bosmer
    Annette Bosmer   ·  September 20, 2012
    I did want to write Lord Marshman as cold but I started to see the humor disappear so at the moment he's a little warmer.
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  September 20, 2012
    The wheel turns.
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  September 19, 2012
    Lord Marshman is turning out to be quite a different character than what was initially assumed by me, so I will be very interested in how he develops, along with his relationship with Amber.  And of course, I am very curious to find out what is in Rivers note.