Want to play Skyrim online? Well, soon you might just be able to...

  • I'm not really much of an online gamer myself, but I know that a lot of you guys really, really want Bethesda to make an Elder Scrolls game that you can take online. Of course, Bethesda just don't appear interested, and have repeatedly stated that they have no plans to include online or even co-op play.

    So you can imagine the buzz that is being created by a new mod that is in development called....wait for it... Skyrim Online. Yes, this mod is claiming that it will be possible to play along with friends, chat with them in real time, and trade items.

    An Alpha version of the mod is already up on Skyrim Nexus. It's rough around the edges to say the least, but it offers the enticing possibly of better things to come for those who long for online play.

    Here's a YouTube vid of the work-in-progress


  • shoresinflames
    shoresinflames   ·  December 19, 2011
    I would try it out, but I wouldn't do too much with it. I do get tired of the people fretting over this mod, though (happening a lot of Bethesda's forum, home of all Elder Scrolls whiners). It's not as if you're forced at gunpoint to play Skyrim Online, people.
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  December 18, 2011
    I would try this with a friend or two that I know in real life, but that's my limit.   A two or three man team isn't that hard to manage (especially with skype).  Each person has specific 'jobs' that they're responsible for.  I like playing many types of ...  more
  • Ponty
    Ponty   ·  December 18, 2011
    I guess it'd be alright if one player was designated as the Dragonborn and the others were just sort of followers and couldn't interact with NPCs for quests (ie just shopping, paying fines etc)
  • Erlend Solberg
    Erlend Solberg   ·  December 18, 2011
    There can be only one Dragonborn!
  • Audrey Anderson
    Audrey Anderson   ·  December 18, 2011
    I'd love for multiplayer and co-op to come to Elder Scrolls V!
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  December 17, 2011
    I couldn't play this online, I love being the star of the game (self adsorbed much?) but playing with others means that there has to be a "leader" for the team dynamics to work and I don't play "follower" well plus I get easily ticked if people just start...  more
  • Craig McInnes
    Craig McInnes   ·  December 17, 2011
    i would love if bethesda would bring out at least co-up it wood make the game so much better for the x box
  • Dieter
    Dieter   ·  December 17, 2011
    I'not gonna use this unless there's a way to play co-op instead of mmorpg style. Ma'iq had some funny remarks about this in Morrowind.
  • Mike W
    Mike W   ·  December 17, 2011
    Do not want.
  • Butterswhiz
    Butterswhiz   ·  December 17, 2011
    The fact that they got this far without a Creation Kit is amazing. Though I wouldn't be a fan of Skyrim in an MMO style, I would enjoy a trading mechanic and a place to show off your avatar. Co-op questing would be fun with one or two people, but I am als...  more