POLL Time to choose our new site background

  • As you know from previous announcements we have been inviting people to make a new background for our new site. Well, the Photoshop geeks have been at work, and now its time to choose...

    Here's what we have. There are no less than eleven potential backgrounds for the site, each taking elements of Elder Scrolls and Fallout, and mashing them up into a wondrous new background that could potentially be right there at the top of the site. 

    In the box below this post there is an image gallery that Vazgen has kindly created. It renders all eleven entries at 1680 x 1050 resolution. You can also view them here. Now, of course, not everyone looks at their screen in the same resolution, so we also have the same images at 1366 x 768 pixels on this link

    Look through the images and select the one that, in your opinion, would look best at the top of our site. But choose wisely - you'll be looking at the winner for a while!

    My thanks go to everyone who entered. I think the standard is very high, and I'm grateful for all the work that went into this.


  • Paul
    Paul   ·  July 14, 2015
    I've decided to call this one, because I don't see a lot of point in leaving the poll there and just watching as one image streaks further and further ahead...
    So the official winner is 'Vazgen 2', the one with the Dragonborn going head to head with...  more
  • Gollum
    Gollum   ·  July 13, 2015
    Everyone did a fantastic job; so much so that I can't even begin to decide which background to pick. Great job guys.
  • Tim
    Tim   ·  July 13, 2015
    Oh ok thanks Borommakot.
  • Mr.
    Mr.   ·  July 13, 2015
    I went with Vazgen 1, I was between that and Mason 2. But everything submitted is really awesome, congratulations to everyone.
  • Borommakot
    Borommakot   ·  July 13, 2015
    That's a Deathclaw from the FO4 footage.
  • Tim
    Tim   ·  July 13, 2015
    In Vazgen 2, that thing that Dovahkiin is charging at...it's a deathclaw, right? From FO3 maybe? I've only seen the ones in NV, and they look quite a bit different.
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  July 13, 2015
    No, it really is the 'man' page. The girls are not allowed here 
  • Seeks-many-stars
    Seeks-many-stars   ·  July 13, 2015
    Vaz is taking it all the way.
  • The Dragonbum
    The Dragonbum   ·  July 13, 2015
    just to mention it, the poll says  "see gallery on man page" instead of "see gallery on main page"
  • Rogue
    Rogue   ·  July 13, 2015
    I'm with Henson here, Vazgen's second creation takes the cake in my opinion.