TIPS & TRICKS The Luck Debate

  • We have an nice feature today from our Tips and Tricks Group - a debate called Feeling Lucky

    Teccam has kicked off this discussion about the lack of a luck attribute in Skyrim. 

    In this thread, we invite all members to discuss the Luck attribute that was featured in previous TES games, but left out of Skyrim. Luck influenced the likelihood of various events and actions, as well as having a small effect on the effectiveness of your character's skills across the board. We're looking to hear from people about whether this is something they wish Skyrim had kept in. If so, how would you propose integrating the Luck mechanic into the game?

    You'll know that 'luck' plays quite an important part in many RPGs, indeed it was a massive factor in previous Elder Scrolls titles. Who remembers swinging a sword in Morrowind whilst standing two feet from an enemy and somehow 'missing' them even though visually it looked as if you'd scored a direct hit?

    Well, here is a chance to discuss. Hop over to Tips and Tricks and add your views.